Digna Milagros Atencio Bonilla – COPLAD/ILANUD (Panamá)
Professor and Researcher at the Studio and Judicial Investigation Institute (INEJ), Nicaragua. Researcher at the Institute of Penal Studies "Alimena", Interdepartmental Research Institute of the University of Calabria, Italy. Member of the Permanent Committee for Crime Prevention in Latin America (COPLAD), United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD). Magistrate Advisor of the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Panama.
Larissa Polejack Brambatti – UNB (Brasil)
Psychologist, Researcher and Professor. PhD in Human Development and Health Processes from UnB. She is the Vice President of the Brazilian Association for Research in Prevention and Health Promotion - BRAPEP.
Eduardo Andrés Velandia Canosa – UNILIBRE (Colômbia)
Professor of Constitutional Procedural Law and World Constitutional Justice at Libre University (Cali, Colombia), of the Master in Constitutional Procedural Law at National University of Lomas of Zamora (Argentina) and of the Specialization in Constitutional Justice at Pisa University (Italy).
Jacobo Dopico Gómez-Aller – UC3M (Espanha)
Professor of Criminal Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid. Researcher in the area of criminal liability of legal entities and co-director of the postgraduate course in Compliance at Carlos III University.
Fabio Carvalho Leite – PUC-Rio (Brasil)
Professor of Constitutional Law at PUC-Rio, CNPq Researcher, Member of the Permanent Forum on Media and Freedom of Expression of EMERJ (Superior School of the Judges of the State of Rio de Janeiro)
Gabriel Ignacio Anitua (Iñaki Anitua) – UBA (Argentina)
PhD in Law from the Barcelona University (UB). Master's degree in Penal System and Social Problems from the UB. Diploma in Advanced Studies in Criminal Law from the University of País Vasco, Spain. Lawyer and Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and author of several books.
Bruno Amaral Machado – UniCEUB (Brasil)
Doctor in Law and specialist in Legal-Penal Sociology - Barcelona University (UB). Post-doctorate in Sociology from UnB. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Law at UniCEUB.
Cleide Calgaro – UCS (Brasil)
Leader of the Metamorphosis Legal Research Group linked to the area of Legal Sciences and Master's/PhD in Law at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). Vice-Leader of the Philosophy of Law and Political Thought Research Group at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and researcher in the Environmental Regulation of Sustainable Economic Activity (REGA) Research Group at Dom Helder Câmara Superior School.
Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares – UFBA (Brasil)
Member and Researcher of the Human Rights and Transnationality Research Network (REDHT), of the Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research (MICHR), of the International Network of Constitutional Studies (RIEC) and of the Academic Network on Climate Change, Energy and Human Rights (RICEDH). Professor and coordinator of the Postgraduate Master's/PhD in Law at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).
Jolene Lin – National University of Singapore (NUS) (Singapura)
Director of the Asia Pacific Center for Environmental Law and member of the Advisory Board of the LLM in Climate Change Law and Policy at the University of Strathclyde. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Environmental Law, Chinese Journal of Environmental and Climate Law. She was an associate professor of law at the University of Hong Kong.
Danielle de Andrade Moreira – PUC-Rio (Brasil)
Vice-President of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity (FUNBIO) and Vice-President of the Southeast Region of the The Law for a Green Planet Institute. Professor at the Graduate School of Law and at the Interdisciplinary Center for the Environment (NIMA/PUC-Rio).
Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique – UNFV (Peru)
Legal consultant. President of the Interdisciplinary "Praeeminentia Iustitia" School of Fundamental Rights (Peru). Member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), (Serbia). Author and co-author of books and treaties on Constitutional, Criminal and Administrative Law. Co-director of the commented Penal Codes of Ecuador and Colombia. Professor at the National University Federico Villarreal (UNFV), Peru.
Isabela Moreira do Nascimento Domingos – USP/PUCPR (Brasil)
USP-CEDMAR researcher in the areas of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and International Law. Member of the Compliance Commission of OABPR, with experience in Fundamental Rights, Administrative Law and Compliance.
Alex Meincheim – PUCPR (Brasil)
CEO and Co-Founder at UpFlux. Master in Applied Informatics (PUCPR). He has experience in the areas of Applied Technology in Health, Computer Science, highlighting themes related to Process Mining and Artificial Intelligence. He participated in InovAtiva Brazil - the Largest Startup Acceleration Program, STARTUP SC and Innovation Synapse Program.
Valter Shuenquener de Araujo – UERJ e CNJ (Brasil)
General Secretary of the National Council of Justice (CNJ). Federal Judge. Counselor of the National Council of the State Prosecution of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). KZS from Ruprecht-Karls Heidelberg University. Lecturer at EMERJ. Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Law at UERJ (PPGD).
Maria do Mar Pérez Fra – USC (Espanha)
Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Santiago de Compostela University (USC), Spain. PhD in Economic Sciences and Master in Local Development from USC. Research lines in Economics, Sociology and Policy for Agriculture. linked to the processes of agrarian change and evaluation and design of rural development policies.
Airton Cardoso Cançado – UFT (Brasil)
PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Lavras - UFLA. Post-doctoral internship in Administration at EBAPE/FGV and HEC Montreal. Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Regional Development, Professor of the Professional Master in Public Policy Management and of the Administration Course at UFT. Participates in the Network of Social Management Researchers - RGS and the Brazilian Cooperativism Observatory.
Waldecy Rodrigues – UFT (Brasil)
Assistant Coordinator of Professional Programs in the Area of Urban and Regional Planning in Brazil - CAPES. Graduated in Economic Sciences at PUC-GO. Master in Economics from the University of Brasilia (UnB). PhD in Sociology from the Center for Comparative Studies on the Americas at UnB and Post-Doctorate in Economics, UnB. Professor of Post-Graduation in Regional Development at UFT.
Gisele Cittadino – PUC-Rio (Brasil)
Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Paraíba, Master in Law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and PhD in Political Science from the University Institute for Research of Rio de Janeiro (IUPERJ). Coordinator and Professor of the Dinter in Law PUC-Rio/Esmat Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Member of the Advisory Committee of the Law Area of CNPq.
Liziane Paixão Silva Oliveira – UniCEUB (Brasil)
PhD in Law from the Paul Cezanne Aix-Marseille 3 University, Master's and Post-Doctoral Internship in Law at UnB. Coordinator and Professor of the Dinter in Law of UniCEUB/ESMAT. Ad hoc evaluator for CAPES, CNPq, Foundation for the Support of Research and Technological Innovation of the State of Sergipe (FAPTEC/SE). Researcher at the Institute of Technology and Research (ITP); Jean Monnet Center of Excellence - UFMG and Global Comparative Law: Governance, Innovation and Sustainability (GGINNS).