The inalienable rights of man are, among others, the right to liberty, security, equality, freedom of speech, religious belief, property, and life. These are rights that people are born with and that cannot be taken away from them. In the Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations reaffirmed its faith in fundamental human rights, on the dignity and worth of the human person and the equal rights of men and women, and have decided to promote social progress and better living conditions, calling on member countries to commit to this mission.
Thus, for the tenth consecutive year, the ESMAT/UFT Master's in Judicial Provision and Human Rights is holding the International Congress on Human Rights, with "THE UNION OF PEOPLE FOR THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE HUMAN BEING" theme. Each year new partners are called to give greater effectiveness to the search for knowledge and information about ways and opportunities to contribute to the strengthening of the inalienable rights of man. In this edition ESMAT's partners are UFT, PUC-Rio, and UNICEUB Universities, through their stricto sensu Master in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights programs UFT/ESMAT; Inter-institutional Doctorate in Law UniCEUB/ESMAT; Inter-institutional Doctorate in Law PUC-Rio/ESMAT; Inter-institutional Doctorate in Regional Development UFT/ESMAT and Master's and Doctorate in Computational Systems Modeling UFT/ESMAT.
The purpose of the congress in its 13th edition is to give voice to researchers, professionals, professors, students, activists, and people who work in defense of human rights to the voices of those who have their rights violated in Brazil and in other spaces of our planet.
Let us move forward together with a commitment to contribute to the promotion, in cooperation with the United Nations, of universal respect for and observance of fundamental human rights and freedoms.
- Promote mechanisms to improve the technical, scientific and cultural training of public servers, Judges, Prosecutors, Defense Counsels and professionals in the private sector who are members of the justice system for a more humanistic provision of justice;
- To develop a space for integration and discussion, enabling a greater exchange between the academy, professionals in Law, Psychology, Economics, Philosophy, Education, and other areas of knowledge and society;
- To enable and exchange of experience and knowledge, by means of professional and institutional improvement, making faster and more efficient justice possible;
- Mobilize professionals from the justice system to better act in the defense of people or institutions with rights at risk;
Discuss injustices against people and communities; - Trigger research in the Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights program, ESMAT/UFT, that expose situations of injustice or violation of rights;
- Contribute to universal respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms;
Raise awareness in society that it is necessary to strengthen human rights.