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Amaral Santos, C. ., César Machado, H. ., Valéria de Jesus Miranda, A. ., & Assumpção Marmori Cruccioli, R. . (2022). THE SOCIAL REPRESENTATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND JUSTICE IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC AND SOCIAL ISOLATION. ESMAT Magazine, 14(23), 77–94.


This research addressed the issue of human rights and the application of justice in times of pandemic and social isolation and its social representation. It sought to analyze and study the main aspects related to the COVID-19 pandemic, from the beginning and origin of the first diagnosed patient, until his arrival in Brazil. The emphasis of this work was based on the context of human rights, justice and its social representation by the population directly and indirectly affected. The theme studied was the social representation of students, teachers and health professionals, in relation to the possible violation of fundamentals during the period, which lasts to the present day, of the pandemic aspect of the disease, as well as with regard to isolation Social. This research raised several questions, such as, “What is the social representation of academics, teachers and health professionals in relation to various fundamental rights and justice in times of pandemic. If there really was non-compliance with the rules or the need to curb them in the midst of this health crisis; what would be in the perception of the subjects presented the guarantees suppressed by the imposed quarantine. The main objective was to study, using the Theory of Social Representations, the representational perception of Justice and human rights, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. 165 people were interviewed, including teachers, academics, health professionals, giving priority to the city of Goiânia, Palmeiras de Goiás and its surroundings.
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