The global climate and energy situation is worrying. This scenario is demonstrated by numerous scientific studies. In view of this, countries have adopted measures to resolve this situation. Considering that a large part of the climate issue is caused by the high rate of greenhouse gas emissions, the energy transition is relevant in this process. These changes have numerous social and economic consequences. In this sense, green hydrogen is a possible alternative. It can be used in various sectors, as a fuel and is obtained from the electrolysis of water, releasing few pollutants and no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Brazil has high potential for H2V production due to its geographical characteristics. However, despite the advantages, there are many challenges to its use and regulation is still scarce. The research problem consists of analyzing why this compound is relevant as an instrument that enables the energy transition. The objective is to examine the reasons that indicate the importance of a clear normative framework on the subject. As for the methodology, this is a qualitative, theoretical-bibliographical and documentary study on the subject, investigating, using the inductive method, articles, journals, theses, dissertations, documents and national and international literature. It seeks to answer the following questions: How can climate and economic aspects be related to the energy transition? How is green hydrogen being used to achieve this end? Why is it important to regulate it? The structure of the article is divided into four parts. First, the link between climate and energy and the economic impacts of the energy transition are examined. Then, H2V is investigated, its particularities, positive and negative points and the way it is being applied. It then discusses the standards and projects on the subject and the rationale for their relevance as an instrument to enable this process. Finally, it is concluded that such regulation is essential specially to provide legal certainty, accountability in the event of damage, risk reduction, clarification on issues of competence and effectiveness of energy change. Furthermore, H2V has been growing as a viable clean fuel, but more research is needed to define the most appropriate methods to be employed in order to consider economic, social and environmental factors, as well as to actually tackle the problem.References
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Recebido em: 28/09/2023
Aprovado em: 08/11/2023
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