The inaugural class of the Doctorate and Professional Master's Degree in Governance and Digital Transformation, held on May 9th in the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), marked the beginning of a journey of knowledge and innovation in the State of Tocantins. The event was attended by Professor Marcelo Moret, coordinator of academic programs in the interdisciplinary area of Capes (Coordination for the Improvement of Superior Education Personnel), General Director of Esmat, Justice Marco Villas Boas, the rector of the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), Luis Eduardo Bovolato and other authorities.
Opening the activities, Justice Marco Villas Boas highlighted the importance of the Program and how it reaffirms the commitment of the State to the training of its civil servers.
This Master's and Doctoral program in Governance and Digital Transformation demonstrates that the executive branch is substantially concerned with training and improving its staff in this area of technological development, he said.
In his reflections, the Justice stressed the relevance of social transformation and respect for the human dimension in academic and scientific work, in the midst of a fast-paced and highly connected world. He also recognized the capacity of technologies to promote interaction and dialogue, but also stressed the need to direct them towards a more humane and inclusive development, taking into account the needs of people and the ecological dimension.
In his speech, the rector of UFT, Professor Luis Eduardo Bovolato, noted the positive impact of the master's and doctoral degrees on the provision of services among the institutions involved.
“A qualification like this will reflect better service delivery and better-prepared public servers. With this Governance and Digital Transformation course, we will have excellent products due to the level of our students, our master's students and also the level of the teaching staff we have at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins," he said.
In welcoming the new master's and doctoral students, Fábio Vaz, the state Education Secretary, emphasized the importance of the partnership among institutions and how this qualification opportunity is an instrument for professional development and improvement.
"With the Master's Degree in Governance and Digital Transformation, we are providing our professionals with training to work in the digital age, which is necessary for the transformation of the state education network to be effective and comprehensive. For the state government, it is essential that we invest in training our educators so that we can have a positive impact on the teaching-learning process through strategic and effective action," he commented.
Professor Marcelo Lisboa, the coordinator of this class of 2024, thanked the collaborators of the program for their partnership and trust, as well as expressing his satisfaction and happiness at the presence of the students, highlighting the importance of effort and dedication in order to achieve excellent results.
When explaining the dynamics of the subjects of the course, Professor Gentil Veloso, who is coordinator of the Program, also stressed the importance of the partnership between the institution and the professors in developing technological products and services for the community. In his speech, he commented on the diversity and opportunity for collaboration among professors from different backgrounds, with the aim of achieving excellence in the work carried out.
Full Professor at the State University of the State of Bahia (UNEB), Marcelo Moret, together with Professors David Nadler and Waldecy Rodrigues, gave a general presentation on the Brazilian scenario regarding postgraduate courses and the CA. In his presentation, Moret shared what it was like to carry out the evaluation of the doctorate in Governance and Digital Transformation - which has a score of 5 - and how there was doubt about the potential and possibility of professional computer modeling in the program because it is in the North.
When we arrived here and we were introduced to the professors, students and graduates of the Master's program, it became completely clear that the course was a differentiator, Moret explained.
Academic Presentations
The event also featured academic presentations by Professor Humberto Araújo - who spoke about Educational Robotics - and researcher George França, who brought Nico - a therapeutic and educational robot that was born out of a union between the public university and the private sector, and which has come to help provide free care for autistic children - especially vulnerable ones - in Tocantins.
Nico is one of the fruits of the UFT research and extension project "Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Scope of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TEA-TDIC)", coordinated by Professor George.
Find out more about the research clicking here.
According to the Executive Director of Esmat, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, it is essential that institutions are prepared to take advantage of the technological solutions that emerge on a daily basis. "With information technology evolving exponentially, it is essential that institutions are prepared to take advantage of the technological solutions that emerge on a daily basis, and the Doctorate in Governance and Digital Transformation gives us the opportunity to qualify the technical staff of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins as a whole and, of course, the professionals who work at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, given the new ways of learning and teaching, especially after the emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence. We're curious and anxious about what's to come," she said.
Lily Sany Silva Leite, Administrative and Technology Supervisor and now a doctoral student, expressed her gratitude for the opportunity and stressed the importance of investing in training in order to achieve professional success. "I am grateful to Esmat for this opportunity to do a doctorate in Governance and Digital Transformation. I believe that investing in training is essential for professional success and, for sure, the doctorate will provide us with new knowledge and open up paths for technological innovation," she commented.
For Jocilene Lacerda, a technician in hybrid and distance education systematization management of Seduc, the course will be a great complement to her work. "I've been waiting a long time for this course, to get training in what I already do, in the area I already work in education. It's a greater opportunity for civil servers, because nowadays it's very difficult to get a master's degree and having places available just for civil servers makes it easier, access is better," she said.
Vanilde de Nazaré, a sports technician at Seduc, points out that the course is a great opportunity for those who, like her, want to improve their CV. "I'm very anxious and excited to start working within what is going to be a challenge for me. Now I have this opportunity to study, it's been a long time since I studied after my specialization. When the opportunity arose for a master's degree for Seduc employees, I said 'this is it', I took the chance and got a place. I'm sure I'll contribute a lot to education," said the technician.
On the occasion, Justice Marco Villas Boas presented Professor Marcelo Moret with the Esmat Medallion. This is a tribute given to those who collaborate with the activities of Esmat to spread knowledge and develop scientific research.
About the program
The program is the result of a partnership among Esmat, the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT) and the Secretariat of Education of the State of Tocantins. For the school, the post-graduate program aims to form a nucleus of high-level research leaders, capable of working in digital governance and computer modeling in the judiciary, with a view to resolving complex technological issues for better and faster judicial provision.
With the aim of qualifying education professionals to work effectively in the digital transformation proposed by state management, the Master's Program in Digital Governance and Transformation includes two lines of research. The first, Digital Governance in Organizations, which involves the digital transformation of organizations, with a view to the full exercise of citizenship in the digital world and the provision of services to society; and the second, Computational Modeling for Digital Transformation, which aims to design, analyze and implement computational models.