Esmat Holds Course On Management In My Favor: Strategies For Results - Class Iii

The course on “Management in My Favor: Strategies for Results - Class III”, aimed at civil servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who work in the 1st and 2nd instances, had its first meeting in the District of Palmas on Thursday (August 15th). The 16-hour course took place in person at Esmat.

The aim of the training is to encourage the creation of management and action plans through the analysis and interpretation of the statistical reports of the Judiciary, with a view to achieve the National Targets set for 2024. With this in mind, the programming of the first day was attended by facilitators Fabiano Gonçalves Marques, Cledson José Dias Nunes, Darllanne Cristina dos Santos and Kellen Cleya Madalena, who covered topics such as the management of the national goals of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the management panel of the Courts, an overview and the main functionalities.

Khaise Marques, a civil server and clerk at the 2nd Civil Court of Porto Nacional, highlights the importance of the course: “Management in My Favor is very interesting and appropriate for the moment. The court is trying to meet the targets of the CNJ and it's not possible for these targets to be met without our knowledge,” she said.

The programming ends on August 19th and 20th, with Class IV in the District of Gurupi, which will also include the districts of Araguaçu, Alvorada, Arraias, Dianópolis, Formoso of Araguaia, Natividade, Peixe, Paranã, Palmeirópolis and Taguatinga.

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