Held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the course on “Elaboration of Drafts of Amendments” will be developed in the period from April 18th to June 2nd, 2023 in the hybrid teaching modality. The training is directed primarily to the legal advisors working in the Offices of the Justices who prepare drafts and/or court decisions for the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). There are, in all, 40 vacancies.
The course has a class load of 40 hours and aims to contribute with the knowledge about the elaboration of drafts of jurisprudence amendments, in a standardized, clear and precise way, with recoverable terms, highlighting its function and importance in the system of obligatory precedents. Registrations will be made according to the indications of the Offices of the Justices, through SEI File no. 23.0.000003673-0.
The methodology contemplates three stages, with a face-to-face class on April 27th, which will be held at the classroom of Esmat and two WEB classes. The activities will be taught by professor Dulce Dias Ribeiro Pontes, judicial analyst at the Court of Justice of the State of Pernambuco.
For more information, read the Notice clicking here.