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rights, solidarity, social consensus, individual emancipation.

How to Cite

Ara Pinilla, I. (2024). EL DIFUSO FUNDAMENTO NORMATIVO DE LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS. ESMAT Magazine, 15(26), 285–302. https://doi.org/10.29327/270098.15.26-14


The recurrent formal definition of human rights as projections of personal dignity cannot avoid the question of the demands inherent to them. Their configuration as subjective rights obliges us to identify in the social consensus the supposed norm that provides them with their foundation. The ineliminability of the cultural conditioning factors that oppress the formation of individual will condemns any semantic reference to the formula of human rights to provisionality, accentuating the need to comply with the duties incumbent on all individuals in order to guarantee the greatest possible progressiveness of the consensus in question.
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