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Divergences. Unanimous Votes. Non-Unanimous Vote. Rationale.

How to Cite

Gonçalves Santana, Ágatha, Bezerra Ribeiro, M., & da Silva Ferreira, R. (2024). DIVERGENCE IN THE MOTIVATION OF UNANIMOUS AND NON- UNANIMOUS VOTES AND THE PRESERVATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC. ESMAT Magazine, 15(26), 65–82. https://doi.org/10.29327/270098.15.26-3


The divergence in the reasoning of judicial decisions in Brazilian courts, even when unanimous, raises questions about its impact on the legal system, essentially in relation to the reasoning used by judges in their votes. Given this context, the central problem of this research arises: How does the divergence in the reasoning of unanimous or non-unanimous decisions affect the democratic rule of law? The study focuses on REsp nº 1.495.920. The main objective is to analyze the theory of integrity and ethical standards based on Ronald Dworkin's theory as a theoretical basis for analysis. In addition, it seeks to evaluate the concept of reasoning of decisions in the light of the 2015 Code of Civil Procedure, which refers directly to an analysis necessarily in the light of the values and norms of the 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil. To this end, the research adopts a quantitative-qualitative approach, of a predominantly empirical nature, using bibliographic and documentary sources, doctrines, theories, articles and case law.
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