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Curricular Guidelines. Internship. Legal Practice. Legal Clinics.

How to Cite

Maria de Souza Franco Teixeira, E., Tomaz de Souza, L., & Jacob Chaves Mesquita, V. (2020). THE NEW CURRICULAR GUIDELINES FOR LAW AND THE NEW DYNAMICS OF LEGAL PRACTICE AT UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO PARÁ (UFPA). ESMAT Magazine, 12(19), 113–128.


The concern with the quality of legal training, embodied by teaching / learning practices, consistent with what is expected from the qualitative performance of university graduates, runs through the history of Legal Courses and remains until today. Thus, the research aims to answer the following question: how has the Faculty of Law at UFPA acted within the scope of legal practice in order to adapt to the New Curricular Guidelines? The research objectives involve the description of the New Curricular Guidelines nº 05/2018 and the demonstration of the academic management process in legal practice and the development highlights of the UFPA Law School. The method to be used will be the rational dialectic, which will excel by comparison and reflection about the consequences and repercussions that will be provoked, based on the effectiveness of the proposed changes. The first section will address the New Curricular Guidelines nº 05/2018; the second will address the Legal Practice Nucleus; the third will deal with Law Clinics; the fourth, will demonstrate the academic management process to implement the New Curriculum Guidelines 05/2018, as a practice of consolidating the teaching / learning process, fostering research and extension. Finally, the pioneering work of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Pará in the process of standardizing mandatory and non-mandatory internships and the performance of legal clinics stands out.
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