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Quality. Management Systems. Public Administration

How to Cite

Augusto Gonçalves, I., Fernandes Barboza, V., & Henrique Gomes, D. (2020). THE CHALLENGES AND BENEFITS OF ISO 9001:2015 AT THE ESCOLA SUPERIOR DA MAGISTRATURA TOCANTINENSE (ESMAT). ESMAT Magazine, 12(19), 85–112.


The organizational environment changes daily. The challenges arise from external and internal factors, directly impacting the results obtained. With the advent of the internet and social networks, a myriad of information is projected onto the manager who, without the ability to analyze all the data, can make decisions that will bring discomfort to the company itself. Although access to information has grown exponentially, applied knowledge still lacks management tools that minimize the risks associated with mismanagement. In this sense ISO 9001, the most famous management methodology known, stands out as the main mechanism to support the planning and management of companies. Based on the Deming cycle or continuous improvement cycle, ISO 9001 is characterized as a structured management tool in the planning (P), execution (D), monitoring (C) and correction (A) of actions aimed at the effective implementation of the process strategy proposed by an organization. Although it has practical application and brings tangible benefits in any type of company (public and private), the methodology has challenges to be overcome. The present article presents the systematics of implementation of the quality management system at the Escola de Magistratura Tocantinense (ESMAT), based on the ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 2015 – quality management system. The implementation of this management model in a public institution is pioneer in the segment, not finding previous case studies and statistical results that provide data for a comparative analysis. This article will therefore serve as an introductory case for the practical application of the principles of quality in the legal environment of the State of Tocantins
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