The concept of vulnerability is treated in a philosophical and strategic perspective. Vulnerability is shown to formally focus on a relationship which is called relation of belonging. The relation of belonging is defined and formalized, so that its properties are shown at their broadest and most abstract level. Then, the concepts necessary for the discussion of vulnerability are examined, namely: risk, danger, attack, threat, protection, offense, and damage. Vulnerability is then analyzed in its manifestation according to three orders: trivial vulnerability, or first-order; consolidated vulnerability, or second-order; and situational vulnerability, or third-order. Within the scope of this latter, the three degrees of victimization are defined: victimization by attack (1st degree); victimization by offense (2nd degree); and victimization by damage (3rd degree). These concepts are explained as different forms of harm to a relation of belonging, the most serious being those that cause its suppression or deactivation. On top of this, there is a social stigma that arises when the victimization of groups brought about by situational vulnerabilities deemed as consolidated ones, throws these groups in a discriminated social situation, tending to reproduce their victimization by the perpetuation of their vulnerability. It is then discussed the social injustice resulting from the assumption, intentional or not, that situational vulnerabilities are consolidated, which is the source of the different types of victimization. Finally, the concept of ‘social program’ as conceived by Niklas Luhmann is examined, and it is shown that human rights are a social program in the sense of Luhmann. This social program, that aims to vulnerabilities, rather than victimizations, can reduce inevitable vulnerabilities and extinguish avoidable ones.References
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ROCHA, Alexandre Sergio da. O Grande Jogo da Estratégia. Rio de Janeiro: Corpo da Letra, 2021. (a)
______. Responsabilidade como Humanismo, Vol. 2 – O Poder: condição instrumental do agir. Curitiba: Juruá, 2021. (b)
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______. Direitos Humanos – uma reflexão político-filosófica. Anais do IV Congresso Internacional de Direitos Humanos. Palmas, TO: Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense (ESMAT) / Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), 2016, pp. 104 -112.
ROCHA, Alexandre Sergio da; FERNANDES, Belmiro Vivaldo Santana; MENDONÇA, Sônia Cristina da Rocha. Os direitos humanos como fator restritivo de interesses nacionais bélicos: uma decisão exemplar. Revista Jurídica da Faculdade 2 de Julho. Ano 2, vol. 2, outubro de 2008. Salvador, BA. pp. 61-82.
ROUTLEY, Richard. Exploring Meinong’s Jungle and Beyond: an Investigation of Noneism and the Theory of Items. Canberra: Australian National University, 1979.
SAPIR, Edward. The Status of Linguistics as a Science, 1929. In E. Sapir: Culture, Language and Personality (ed. D. G. Mandelbaum). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1958.
WHORF, Benjamin Lee. Science and Linguistics, Technology Review 42 (6), April 1940. pp.229-231, 247-248. Retrieved from: http://web.mit.edu/allanmc/www/whorf.scienceandlinguistics.pdf. July 03, 2017.
WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig. Philosophische Untersuchungen / Philosophical Investigations. 4th ed. Oxford: Willey – Blackwell, 2009.
ZALTA, Edward. Abstract Objects: An Introduction to Axiomatic Metaphysics, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1983.
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