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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

ESMAT Magazine is an interdisciplinary scientific periodic, of biannual periodicity, edited by the School of Judges of Tocantins, a Justice Court of Tocantins agency. It receives unprecedented scientific contributions, being guided by a critical view about the theme, both in the national context, and in the international.
Objectiving to be a motivating instrument for the diffusion of knowledge produced by the judges, students, professors, servers, lawyers, members of Prosection Service and other members of the judicial community, in other words, a vehicle for the continuous improvement of discussions about the Law, in order to estimulate the academic and scientific debate.


1. The writings must be original and unprecendeted and they will be subjected to the appreciation of the Editorial Council, that can recommend, or not, their publications.
2. They will not be able to be subjected simultaneously to other magazines and/or periodics, and must be framed in any area of the Law and/or interdisciplinary.
3. The received articles will be subjected to a prevous evaluation by the Editorial Commission, that will verify the adequacy to the editorial line of the Magazine and to the publication general rules. The articles that do not comply those requirements will be returned to their authors, in order to be made the necessary changes.
4. When they send their works, the authors agree that the copyright referred to each one of them are being transferred to Esmat Magazine, without payment for the cession and publication, respecting the established on those rules.
5. The Magazine reserves the right to accept or veto any original received in disagree with those orientations, as well as the right to propose eventual changes.
6. The articles will be directed for external referees analysis, considered the respective thematic areas, by the double blind peer review system. In case they are approved, it will be released with no cost for authors and/or readers.
7. The ESMAT Magazine does not charge article submission taxes or article processing taxes.
8. The Magazine requires the interest conflict declaration in relation to the submitted article when the author have interests (political, personal, economics etc) that can influence, in an inappropiate way, on the articles elaboration. The declaration will be previously considered by the Magazine Editorial Council.
9. Works that involve researches with human beings must prove the approval by the Ethics Committee, according to the current rules.
10. The articles must fulfill the following technical rules:

Article Structure:
• Title;
• Translated title to English;
• Authors’ name;
• Summary;
• Abstract;
• Keywords (do not use authomatic translators from web);
• Introduction;
• Text with subtitles and footnotes with sequential numeration (1, 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2, 4....);
• Conclusion;
• References (bibliographic and others);

Authors identification, in a footnote, must have:
• authors’ complete name;
• authors’ e-mail;
• institution where the authors work and/or study;
• authors’ curricular summary with at most 3 lines, informing their academic situation, titles and professional exercise;
Bilingual Summary (Portuguese/English), Resumo bilíngue (português/inglês), of the same content, and present clearly:
• the work theme;
• the objectives;
• the used methodology; and
• the conclusions;
Keywords: between three and at most 5 (in the text language and in English - Keywords)

• It must have between 15 to 30pages, including the text and references;
• MS Word (doc);
• Times New Roman source, size 12, with a space 1,5, formatting in paper A4 (with a superior margin and left with 3cm and inferior margin and right with 2cm), paragraph 1,5cm;
• Unnumbered pages and justified pages:

• direct quotations with more than 3 lines: retreat of left margin, Times New Roman source, size 10, simple spacing, author’s name at the end of the paragraph in the format: (NAME, 2007, p.11);
• quotations with words or sentences omissions: replace them by reticences between brackets, ex [...];
• indirect quotations: Name (2007);
• all the references on the text body must adopt the author-data system ABNT (OLIVEIRA, 2015, p. 25);

• Times New Roman source, size 8, EXCLUSIVELY for short explanatory notes, never for references;
Titles of chapters in uppercase, same source of the text and subttitles in normal text, both in bold type, numbered and aligned to the left;
Title of the article in uppercase, bold type and centralized.

11. The bibliographic references must obey to the rules of the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT NBR 6023) in alphabetical order, according to the following quotation models:
11.1 Books:
• SURNAME, author’s name. Title of the book in bold type. City: Publisher, year.
• KARAM, Maria Lúcia. Criminal special Court: the early achievement of the punish power. São Paulo: Courts Magazine, 2004.
11.2 Books chapters:
• SURNAME, author’s name. Title of the chapter without emphasis. In: SURNAME, author’s name. Title of the book in bold type. City: Publisher, year.
• MORAES, L. C. S. de. Legislative competence. In: MORAES. Environmetal law course. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002, cap. 2, p.54-68.
11.3 Periodic Articles:
• AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Name. Title of the article: subtitle (if it has). Periodic name in bold type, city, v., n., p. initial – final, month, year.
• SENNA, Andressa Paula. The law abuse and the dishonesty litigancy as deterrents to the processual march and to the fair result of the jurisditional assistance. Private Law Magazine, v. 10, n. 40, p. 9-59, october./december. 2009.
11.4 Work presented in an event:
• SURNAME, author’s name. Title of the presented work, followed expression In: EVENT NAME, event numbering (if it has), year and realization place, document title, place, publisher, publishing date and initial-final page of the acknowledged part.
• MARQUES, Cláudia Lima. Basic rights of the consumer in the services post modern society: a new subject appearance and its rights realization, In: CONSUMER RIGHT BRAZILIAN CONGRESS, 5, 2000, Belo Horizonte, Consumer Right Magazine, São Paulo, july./september. 2000, p. 61-96.
11.5 When dealing with consulted online works, the information about the electronic address are essential, presented between the signals <>, preceded by the expression Available in: and the document access date, preceded by the expression Access in:.
• HEIDEGGER. Martin. The period of the world image. Available in <>. Access on May 11th, 2011.
12. The publication in Esmat Magazine is fully free and there is no pecuniary retribution from the authors. Each author will live up to two edition copies from which has counted with its colaboration.
13. It can adapt to the ABNT rules the selected works, if in disagree with the standartization.
14. The articles for publication in Esmat Magazine must be directed to the e-mail: or to the Magazine electronic address:
15. The content of the published articles is of entire responsability of its authors.



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The names and informed address in this magazine will be exclusively used for the performed services by that publication, not being available to other finals or to a third party.