Justice Marco Villas Boas Highlights The Role Of Esmat Role In Improving Judicial Service And Encourages Professional Development Through Education

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

Following the objective of providing training on topics relevant to the consolidation and improvement of the correctional activities of the 3rd Meeting of Permanent Chiefs of Justice and the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (ENCOPE), Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), dedicated his lecture on Thursday afternoon (February 8th) to the memory of the pioneer of judicial education, Minister Sálvio de Figueiredo Teixeira.

Speaking about the role of the Superior School of the Judges in guaranteeing fundamental rights and improving the delivery of justice, the Justice commented on the creation of the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM) and the idealizing role of Justice Sálvio in the education of Brazilian Judges.

In his presentation, he highlighted the qualities that characterize a good Judge and how this adjective is influenced by the continuous exercise of ideas, a keen eye for new technologies, and also mentioned the need for ethical action based on a moral order, based on the principle that the improvement of a moral character of a Judge implies a qualitative improvement in the provision of justice.

About Esmat

"To train and improve magistrates and civil servers in search of good practices and excellence in the delivery of justice," this is the mission of Esmat. After two decades - of these 15 years under the direction of Justice Marco - he emphasized the desire of the institution to "be recognized for excellence in the training and improvement of Judges and civil servers, with the promotion of research, extension and good practices, with the aim of improving the delivery of justice".

In his speech, the Justice presented the audience with important information and data about Esmat. For example, the activities carried out in 2023 by thematic axis and modality; the number of courses and events developed; and the number of people trained in stricto and lato sensu postgraduate courses.

Talking about the adversities faced in setting up the Professional and Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, Marco Villas Boas recalled the pioneering spirit of Esmat in launching "the first stricto sensu program in Brazil, which changed the panorama of national legal education".

Concluding his presentation, Justice Marco advised the permanent co-rulers not only to look at legal education, but also to encourage the entire legal corps. 

"I'll end my speech by saying that, as far as the Permanent Chiefs of Justice are concerned, they must ensure the training and improvement of their staff and encourage their colleagues to develop these qualities, this preparation and these activities that are so important, so that, in the end, the work is done well, and the provision of justice actually happens in the best way and makes fundamental rights effective."

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