At The Opening Of Encope, Minister Salomão Praises The Initiatives Of The General Internal Affairs Of Justice Of The State Of Tocantins In Favor Of Improving The Provision Of Justice

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

On the evening of Wednesday (February 7th), Chief of Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal opened the 3rd  Meeting of Permanent Chiefs of Justice of the State of Tocantins (Encope). The ceremony, held in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), was attended by the National Chief of Justice, Judge Luís Felipe Salomão, who praised the initiative of the meeting to improve the services provided to society.

"The General Internal Affairs of Justice, and consequently the CNJ itself, is not limited to this disciplinary activity which, in itself, is already very strong. Here we have Chiefs who have left their home counties, who help and are the arm of the court on the ground, on a day-to-day basis. It's our business card, it's the face of the judiciary at the top," he said. "I congratulate Justice Maysa for this initiative, because when we train, when we properly bring in Judges, we bring in civil servers to share this management with us. Who gains from this? It's society, whom we serve. It's clear that an initiative like this and so many others that I see here, this unity, this cooperation between powers and between the court administration and institutions that are fundamental to the administration of justice, is what makes the difference, it's what makes the difference. That's why it's a modern, active court," praised the Minister.

Officially opening the meeting, the Chief of Justice pointed out that Encope aims to promote integration between the permanent Chiefs, as well as to debate relevant issues, propose solutions and share good practices. "I am sure that this meeting will be very productive and it will bring great results for the improvement of the services provided by the Judiciary to society," said Justice Maysa Vendramini. "May we evolve together in favor of excellence in judicial services and always have the General Internal Affairs of Justice as a partner," she added.

The president of the TJTO, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, also stressed the importance of the meeting in bringing together all the agents involved in the correctional process and as an opportunity to make progress in the work of the judicial units. "Our job is to ensure that each unit really provides the best service to our community and, as I often say, to our client, who is the citizen," she said.

Magna Lecture

Also at the opening of Encope, the Minister of Justice spoke about the work of the National Internal Affairs of Justice and shared important information about the work carried out by the correctional body of the Judiciary with a focus on accountability to society.

"We know how thorny the task of carrying out disciplinary activities is, but that's not all. In addition to these activities, the CNJ develops very important and relevant public policies. But one that sometimes goes unnoticed, and is a legacy that the CNJ leaves behind, is Justice in Numbers (Justiça em Números), an annual survey that provides an X-ray of the Brazilian judiciary. No other country has it, you can look it up and there isn't an X-ray like this one, done by the judiciary itself, it's synonymous with transparency," he said.

Among the data presented, the Minister also proudly mentioned the role of women in the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and the importance of this fact for the country. "We have the highest number of ongoing cases in the entire world. We also have the highest workload, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk, for example, about the fact that the Justice in Numbers this year brings, for the first time, a table showing female participation in the judiciary. And here the leadership of the court is absolutely majority and exclusively female," she said.




The ceremony was attended by the Governor of the State of Tocantins, Wanderlei Barbosa; the vice-president of the TJTO, Justice Ângela Prudente; the Deputy Director of Esmat, Justice Ângela Issa Haonat; the General Attorney, Luciano Casaroti; the State Public Defender, Estellamaris Postal; the President of the OAB/TO, Gedeon Pitaluga; and the President of Asmeto, Judge Alan Martins.

The ceremony was also attended by the Judges of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, Eurípedes Lamounier and Pedro Nelson; the Judges who are members of the inspection team of the CNJ, Fábio Uchoa and Márcio Antônio Boscaro; the Judges of the CNJ, Admara Falante, Ticiany Maciel and Cristiano Coelho, the Assistant Judges of the General Internal Affairs of Justice of the States of Amazonas and Maranhão, Áldrin Henrique de Castro Rodrigues and Douglas Lima da Guia; the Assistant Judges of the CGJUS, Arióstenis Guimarães and Esmar Custódio; the coordinating Judge of the Prevention and Land Regularization Center (Nupref/CGJUS), Wellington Magalhães; Assistant Judges of the presidency of the TJTO, directors, chiefs of staff, civil servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

Students from the Maturity University (UMA), from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins, also took part in the event with a cultural presentation at the opening of the meeting.

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