"I wanted to leave a message, that as soon as we start talking about this, it seems like we're talking about impossible things, but in fact they're not impossible, but it's our perception of the impossible," said Solange Mata Machado during the lecture on "Mindset in search of happiness" on Thursday (September 28th), at the official opening of the 8th Health Week of the Judiciary, given by the General Director of the TJTO, Ana Carina Mendes Souto.

Stress and innovation
Solange, who has a post-doctorate in neuroscience applied to innovation processes, said that it is impossible to talk about innovation when people are emotionally stressed. "Taking care of our mental, cognitive and emotional balance is a respect we must have for each other, because I'm passing this information on to everyone all the time," she explained.
Solange, when talking about cardiac coherence, recalled that studies and research show that the continuous practice of cardiac coherence gives you capacity when you need to enter a state of flow - a state of maximum cognition.
The speaker revealed that there is already a work on the subject and that McKinsey, a strategic consulting firm, carried out a 10-year longitudinal study and found that it was possible to increase our cognition by 500% through continuous practice. "And we're only seeing that number increase more and more," she said. "This awareness is what we need to increase every day through practices, especially those related to breathing," she concluded.
VIII Health Week
Health Week is a traditional event for the Judiciary. This eighth edition ends this Friday (September 29th) with a lecture, at 2pm, "The hidden world of emotional wounds and physical illnesses", by the speakers: Júlio Mendes - anthropologist and post-graduate in Gendai Reiki Ho; and Ana Paula Barnabé - administrator, post-graduate in Gendai Reiki Ho and transpersonal therapist.
The entire program is promoted by the Health Center, through the People Management Board (Digep), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), the Military Advisory Board (Asmil), the Social Communication Center (Cecom) and the Administrative Board.
"Prevention is very important, which is why we always try to give our civil servers tools to improve their quality of life and promote well-being," said Doctor Elaine Ferreira, head of the Health Center of TJTO.