Closing the work of the Week on the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), the exhibitions on data protection in the context of notary and registry services, held on Thursday morning (September 28th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), presented the participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to understand and apply the principles and requirements of the Law.
The opening ceremony was attended by magistrate Flávia Afini Bovo, Director of the Courthouse of the city of Palmas; Lorena Peclat Barbosa, notary public and registrar in the district of Santa Maria of Tocantins, also vice-president of the Institute of Securities Protest Studies of Brazil (IEPTB-TO); and auxiliary Judge Esmar Custódio Vêncio Filho, representative of the Extra Registry Office.
During her speech, magistrate Flávia emphasized the relevance of the topic in the context of the LGPD updates. "It is a great pleasure to be here today, at this highly relevant event. The Data Protection Act, although a relatively recent law, is a regulation that requires us to be attuned and alert so that it is complied with at risk, since it involves privacy issues as well as security issues. So this is a very important issue," she said.

Flávia also pointed out that the topic generates many doubts and that the lecture will act as an important source of knowledge. "I'm sure that the lecture of Justice Denise, which regards to the data protection in the context of notarial and registration services, will be of great relevance to everyone working in the area. Since, as director of the Court of the District of Palmas for almost 10 years, I have been involved with extrajudicial services and I see that this issue generates many doubts and a lot of repercussions", she said.
Lorena recalled that notaries have access to a lot of data, and the exhibitions involved with the study on the protection of this information are extremely important. "It's a pleasure to come here to honor this event that deals with a very relevant topic, of extreme importance, remembering that we are the guardians of various data of the entire population and we must treat them very carefully, paying attention to all the laws and being careful not to have any leaks," she said.

In her presentation, Justice Denise de Souza Luiz Francoski, from the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina (TJSC), expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to share her experiences and knowledge. "[I thank you] for allowing me and my team to come here, for providing this Event so that we could share our experiences with you, exchange ideas and work on our knowledge of Data Protection. My intention is not to tell you whether it's right or wrong, but to give you provocations, so that you can improve, make constructive criticisms and use this in your sphere of competence, that is, in the extrajudicial registries," she explained.
The Justice stressed the importance of organization and planning in the application of the LGPD in extrajudicial registries and of compliance in adapting to the law, pointing out that it is essential to implement an efficient compliance program. "Adapting to the LGPD is nothing more than implementing a compliance program. And compliance is nothing more than fulfilling duties in a planned and harmonious manner. And this compliance program is the instrument through which you contribute to the good image of the organization. The more organized you are, the more likely you are to maintain positive confidence in the service provided by your office," she said.