"The LGPD brings light in dark times, as it has an intrinsic relationship with human rights by guaranteeing the protection of the fundamental rights of the individual in relation to the processing of their personal data," said Justice Angela Issa Haonat, first Deputy Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), during the opening of the Week on the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD), on Wednesday morning (September 27th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), in the city of Palmas.
The Justice, who represented the president of the TJTO, Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, and Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, President of the body in charge of protecting personal data at the Court, reflected on the advances and risks of technology.
"The concepts need to be clear, to understand that privacy, which is the right to oppose the invasion of one's private space, is different from intimacy, which consists of the right to oppose the disclosure of elements of an intimate nature, and that, in turn, personal data is different from intimacy and privacy," said the Justice, adding that the most important thing is to understand how the Judiciary has applied the LGPD in practice and what the future trends and challenges are for the effective application of this law.
Security measures
Arthur Pereira Sabbat, Director of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), took part in the opening ceremony of the event and spoke about the importance of adopting information and cyber security measures to protect personal data. "Information security is a huge toolbox for adequate data protection. Without it, it's not possible," said Sabbat, congratulating the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins on its initiative to promote a culture of data protection.
The director also spoke about the efforts made in relation to the regulation and inspection, citing standards, guides and studies published on the subject, as well as ANPD inspection activities. "We are concerned that, according to the Supervisory Monitoring Circle Report of 2022, of all the administrative proceedings opened in our general supervisory coordination, around 60% are aimed at public bodies," he commented, stressing that the organization is stepping up some actions so that public bodies are aware, understand and return to compliance, i.e. that they are in line with the General Personal Data Protection Law.
"LGPD: rights of data subjects"
Presenting a collection of articles on the General Personal Data Protection Law - LGPD (Law No. 13,709/2018), which deals with the rights that all natural people who hold personal data can exercise, during the event, the book "LGPD: rights of data subjects" was launched, coordinated by Justice Denise Francoski, of the Court of Justice of the State of Santa Catarina (TJSC) and Marcelo Teive, secretary of the Data Protection Committee of TJSC.

"We called on 11 authors to talk about each of the rights, because studying the LGPD, as we have since 2018, we noticed that there was still a lack of a work that condensed these rights," said the Justice from the State of Santa Catarina.
According to the Justice, the book is designed so that people can know what their rights are. For her, the LGPD is a law that will generate a major social transformation. "It is from this social transformation that we will be able to understand and know more about our rights and thus demand that departments, companies, in short, all public and private sectors respect our data and store it with due responsibility," she said.
Also present at the opening of the Week on the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) were Ariostenis Guimarães Vieira, Auxiliary Judge of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, who represented the General Chief of the State of Tocantins, Justice Maysa Vendramini Rosal; the coordinator of the Special Action Group to Combat Organized Crime (Gaeco), Tarso Rizo Oliveira Ribeiro; the General Director of the TJTO, Ana Carina Mendes Souto; the Director of Information Technology and Communications (Dtinf/TJTO), Alice Carla de Sousa Setubal; the Director of Information Technology at the State Public Defender's Office, Luiz Philipe Azevedo Dias; the Director of the Institutional Intelligence and Security Center and member of the Personal Data Protection Operational Group of TJTO, delegate Milena Santana de Araújo Lima; and the vice-president of the Notaries and Registrars Association of the State of Tocantins (Anoreg), André Fontanella.