Attacks on cyberspace and media and political interference in Latin America are debated on the second day of the United Nations International Forum and Congress

The concern with information flows, shared or withdrawn in cyberspace, as well as cyber attacks or use of shared personal data, even if involuntarily, was the theme of the first lecture of the Programming of the First Latin American Forum on Human Security for Human Rights and XII International Congress on Human Rights about Factors of Human Promotion and Sustainability, which is being transmitted through the Esmat Portal and Youtube platform.

The first lecture was given by Diego Beltrán, professor of Security and International Law at the Catholic University of Ecuador, with the theme "Management of information and cyber threats to global Internet security". In his presentation, the professor reported the dangers of cyber attacks to companies, public bodies, politicians, as well as the general population.

In the second lecture, the processes of alienation and mobilization of thoughts in progress in Latin America, the interferences of fake news and the positioning of large communication companies were discussed by Matias Bailone, professor from Argentina, general rapporteur of the Permanent Committee of Latin America for Crime Prevention (COPLAD), ILANUD Program, and literary secretary of the Supreme Justice Court of Argentina.

 With the theme "Human Rights, Media and Freedom of Expression," the professor recalled the political situation that occurred in 2019 in countries like Bolivia and Chile, and the commemoration of a year of massive protests in Chile, which opens the way for a national plebiscite to be held next Sunday (25th), in which the population will decide whether to approve or reject the vote on a new Constitution, since the current one was promulgated in 1980 during the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990). In Bolivia, the current electoral result resumed democratic thinking through a recent presidential election, which elected a familiar candidate to the peasant and traditional population.

The event is organized by the Latin American Permanent Committee on Crime Prevention (COPLAD) - Program of the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (ILANUD) - which is based in San Jose, Costa Rica, and as international partners the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (COPEDEM) and the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT), through the Graduate Program Stricto Sensu in Jurisdiction and Human Rights (UFT/ESMAT).

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