TO Sustainable Network and Esmat hold the I Seminar of Socio-environmental Management: Networking for Solid Waste Management in Tocantins

In the month that celebrates the National Day of Environmental Education (June 3rd); the World Environment Day (June 5th); and the Day of Recyclable Material Collectors (June 7th), the TO Sustainable Network, the Court of Justice and the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will hold, on June 15th and 16th, from 2 to 5:30 pm, the I Seminar on Socio-environmental Management: Networking for Solid Waste Management in Tocantins. Due to the pandemic, the event will be virtual, through the Virtual Platform of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), with live broadcast on YouTube.

Registrations are already open and will run until June 15th. Two thousand vacancies are being offered to employees and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins; members of the participating bodies of the TO Sustainable Network; students; professors; professionals; Brazilian and foreign members of the justice system; employees of Esmat's partner bodies, students; and those interested in the theme. Eight hours will be credited for certification, remembering that it is necessary to have at least 75% attendance to receive the certificate.

Among the proposals of the Seminar are: Promote exchange of experiences and foster initiatives among the partners of the TO Sustainable Network and others interested in the treatment of Socio-Environmental Management and Solid Waste Management in the State of Tocantins, besides promoting the alignment of the actions of the partner institutions of the TO Sustainable Network Project with the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations (UN); Providing support to the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins for better monitoring of the Waste Management indicator by the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Logistic Plan (CGPLS), an indicator that impacts the achievement of the CNJ Quality Award. The TO Sustainable Network includes the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, the Regional Electoral Court (TRE-TO), the State Prosecution (MPE), the State Public Defender's Office (DPE) and the State University of Tocantins (UNITINS).

About the Lecturers

Paulo Celso dos Reis Gomes – PhD in Sustainable Development. Master in Environmental Technology and Water Resources. Specialist in Environmental Management and Territorial Planning. Civil Engineer and Occupational Safety Engineer. Adjunct Professor at the University of Brasilia. Coordinator of the Environmental Safety Laboratory of the Faculty of Technology of the UnB, since 2000. Coordinator of Post-Graduation in Labor Safety Engineering at the School of Technology of UnB, since 1999. Coordinator of several extension courses at the Center for Continuing Education of Basic Education Teachers (CFORM-UnB), part of MEC's National Continuing Education Network. Undersecretary of State for Environment and Water Resources of the Federal District, from April 2011 to May 2015, where he served as Undersecretary of Solid Waste Policy, being advisor of the Administrative Council of the Environmental Fund (FUNAM-DF) and exercising the Technical Coordination of the Intersectoral Committee of Solid Waste of the DF and the General Coordination of the Committee of Civil Construction Waste and Voluminous Waste Management. Technical Director of the Urban Cleaning Service of the Federal District, from May 2015 to June 2019. 

José Maria da Silva Júnior – Prosecutor of the State Prosecution Service of the State of Tocantins. Graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Goiás (UCG), in 1989. He joined the State Prosecutor's Office in 1992. He worked in Palmeirópolis, Paranã, Dianópolis and Palmas District Attorney's Offices. Coordinator of the Center for Operational Support of Urbanism, Housing and Environment (CAOMA). Collaborating member of the Environment Commission of the National Council of the State Prosecution (CMA-CNMP). Master in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT).

Aurélio Pessôa Picanço – Bachelor's degree in Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, 1997. Master in Hydraulics and Sanitation, by the Engineering School of São Carlos, 2000. PhD in Hydraulics and Sanitation from the São Carlos School of Engineering, 2004. He is currently a full professor at the Federal University of Tocantins. He has experience in the area of Sanitary Engineering, with emphasis on basic sanitation, solid residues, effluent treatment, and water quality, as well as domestic and industrial, working mainly on the following topics: Environmental Sanitation, Solid Waste Management, and Environmental Pollution Control. Develops work in the area of university extension with municipalities and with cooperatives of collectors of recyclable materials. Professor of the Professional Master's in Environmental Engineering. President of the Tocantins Section of ABES.

Íkaro Peres Cunha – Graduated in Environmental Engineering, with relative experience in the area of conservation and preservation of the Environment. Server at the State of Tocantins Audit Court - Auditor of External Control.

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