Registrations are open for the "Women in the Judiciary: gender relations” Talk Show

With the proposal of promoting the sensitization of public servers about gender relations in the work process of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will hold, on October 28th, 2021, the “Women in the judiciary: gender relations” lecture.

An action required by the Inspector General's Office of Justice, as an activity that integrates the attributions of the Management Commission for Gender and Race Equity Policies at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

1,500 vacancies are being offered to male and female employees, magistrates, and trainees from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

The lecture will be held via the virtual platform of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins, with live broadcast on YouTube from 4pm to 5:40pm.


To register, click here.

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About the lecturer


Vitor Hugo Alves Rocco (Vitor Hugo)

Graduated in Marketing. Post-graduating in Neuroscience and People Management. Author of the books: Magic Secrets – A guide to be more productive, control the emotions and make dreams come true Emotional Intelligence - Emotions: You Master it or you will be mastered! International certifications in Human Development, by the Brazilian Institute of Coaching (IBC). Hypnologist, by the School of Hypnosis Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Programming (PNL), by Tera Institute.


About the debaters


Érica Pollyana Oliveira Nunes

Bachelor's degree in Social Service from the State University of Tocantins, 2015. Master's Degree in Social Service, PUC-GO. Specialist in Family and Community Health FESP/ULBRA. Currently she is a professor in the Social Service course at the State University of Tocantins, tutor in the multiprofessional residence in Palmas-TO. Researcher and extensionist in the areas: World of Work, Health, Feminism/Gender, Professional Training in Social Work.

Ruth do Prado Cabral

Psychologist. Master in Human Rights (UFG/2014). PhD in Clinical Psychology and Culture (PUC-GO/2021). Professor in the Psychology Graduation course at CEULP/ULBRA. Docent in Post-Graduation courses. Works as a clinical-analytical behavioral psychologist, with emphasis on contextual therapies. Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Experience in teaching and clinical supervision. Areas of research interest refer to themes in the areas of Applied Behavior Analysis and Social Issues, Gender, Corporeality, Feminism and Mental Health. 

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