President of Copedem takes part in a webinar promoted by the institute for supplementary health studies (IESS)

The debates about the access to medicines and the risk to the sustainability of the health system were the themes debated in the Webinar promoted by the Institute for Supplementary Health Studies (IESS) in partnership with the Permanent College of Directors of Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) and the Legal Advisor portal (CONJUR) in another edition of the Legal Journey, in its program of virtual debates. 

The opening of the event was attended by Justice Marco Villas Boas, president of Copedem. In his speech, the Justice emphasized the importance of the partnership in debates that discuss the Brazilian population's access to the health care. "This cooperative activity has brought the discussion of very sensitive and controversial themes to all quadrants of the Brazilian legal system, from the judiciary to the national health agencies, health plan operators, and segments of society that are always very interested in these themes directly linked to the sustainability of life and of the systems that keep people healthy," he said. 

The event was attended by the minister Paulo de Tarso Sanseverino, from the Superior Court of Justice; the Justice Sebastião Ribeiro Martins (TJPI); the economist Ana Carolina Maia, professor at FEA/USP and specialist in Supplementary Health; and the lawyer Samir Martins, manager of the Normative Advisory of the National Agency of Supplementary Health (ANS). The initiative is presented by JurisHealth, IESS' platform for legal and regulatory information on supplementary health. The event can be followed on the IESS website and YouTube channels of the IESS and ConJur.

About IESS

The Institute for Supplementary Health Studies (IESS) is a non-profit entity with the objective of promoting and conducting studies on supplementary health based on conceptual and technical aspects that contribute to the implementation of policies and the introduction of best practices. The Institute seeks to prepare Brazil to face the challenges of health financing, as well as to take advantage of the immense opportunities and advances in the sector for the benefit of all those involved in health promotion and all citizens. IESS is a national reference in supplementary health studies for its technical excellence and independence, the production of statistics, policy proposals, and the promotion of debates that lead to the sustainability of supplementary health.

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