Judiciary promotes round of conversation about moral harassment

“The prevention of bullying and the fight against discrimination at work within the Judiciary" was the theme of the Round of Conversation held on Monday afternoon (May 23rd), by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the Center for Reception and Psychosocial Support (NAPsi) of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

The event aimed to bring information that would allow the understanding of what moral harassment is in the workplace and the identification of these situations, as well as the appropriate measures to ensure the protection of victims and to hold the possible harasser responsible.

Justice Adolfo Amaro Mendes, president of the Commission for the Prevention and Confrontation of Bullying and Sexual Harassment, in the 2nd Degree of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, opened the meeting highlighting the importance of the event for the community and introduced the debates explaining that "both men and women can be active and passive subjects of this kind of means, of reproducing practices rooted in our social, economic, organizational, and cultural context with a wide range of inequalities, even related to gender and race", he said.

Also according to the Justice, moral harassment is a broad concept, but it is characterized by "a deliberate repetition of gestures, words, oral or written, or behaviors of psychological nature, which expose the server or the magistrate, or group of servers, to humiliating situations, embarrassing, capable of causing injury to the personality, dignity, physical or psychological integrity, in order to deteriorate the work environment. It is the habitualness, the repetition of conduct, the intentionality, the discriminatory purpose that characterizes moral harassment. The exposure of the server or magistrate to humiliating and embarrassing situations in a repetitive and prolonged manner in the exercise of their functions", he highlighted.

The debater also stressed the importance of being attentive, since "sometimes it seems that these are small aggressions or small conducts, and that at first they may be considered not very serious, but when practiced in a systematic way they become destructive and end up typifying this moral damage", he added.

The auxiliary Judge Rosa Maria Rodrigues Gazire Rossi, of the General Justice Affairs Office and representative of the Management Commission of Gender Equity Policies, also composed the table, congratulated the historic initiative for the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins. In her exposition, she also cited and contextualized the Resolution No. 255 of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), 2018, which institutes the National Policy of Incentive to Women's Institutional Participation in the Judiciary.

According to the Judge, the agenda of the Round of Conversation is challenging, because it puts into debate the human relations, and that the best way to deal with the problem is through dialogue, "the first step to be taken, for me, is to raise awareness. The fear of dealing with the subject still prevails among us, and it can be done through non-violent communication, it can be done through lectures about the structural sexism of men", she explained.

In his speech, Judge Adhemar Chufalo Filho, Representative of the Permanent Commission for Accessibility and Inclusion/CPAI, previously explained about the causes of harassment, highlighting that the punishment for the action must be rigorous, "the cause is the lack of education, but not cognitive education. It is an emotional, spiritual and moral education. This education has to start in childhood", he contextualized.

During his presentation, the General Coordinator of the National Federation of Judiciary Workers in the States (FENAJUD), Janivaldo Ribeiro Nunes congratulated the event and explained what harassment causes to the victims and why many people don't report these crimes. "I start by saying that the National Council of Justice did well by prescribing that all courts should address such relevant issues for the interpersonal relationship in the work environment in the Brazilian justice system. But I think the themes should be sectioned, given the importance of each one."

"The mere act of management is not equivalent to the moral harassment. But when this act triggers suffering in the employee. Then the question arises, can it be the trigger for the practice of bullying?

Besides the general coordinator Janivaldo, also participating in the debate were Dr. Sávio Luiz Barbosa Severo, psychiatrist at the Health Center/CESAU, and Dr. Wordney Carvalho Camarço, psychiatrist at NAPsi.

Currently, the discussion about harassment and discrimination includes questions related to the exercise of citizenship and to the defense of identities, provoking reflections about our history and culture. The I Week to Combat Harassment and Discrimination in the Judiciary counted with the participation of magistrates, employees, outsourced workers and trainees from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

Held in a hybrid format, in person at the Auditorium of the Court of Justice, and at a distance via intranet, through the School's Portal and application, the activities of the event will total 4 hours of classes in EaD modality and will continue until next Friday (May 27th) with a program full of lectures on the subject.


To register for the Lecture — May 27th — click here.

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