Esmat and the judiciary of the state of tocantins promote a round table discussion on public communication: strategies and trends in the legal environment

As an activity of the Post-Graduation Lato Sensu in Strategic Legal Communication in the Digital Era, promoted by the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), occurred on the morning of Tuesday (24th) the Round Table Public Communication: strategies and trends in the legal environment. As part of the pedagogical content of the Module VII - Communication as a Strategic Factor in the Judiciary -, taught by professor Marluce Zacariotti, the virtual debate is available for access on Esmat's page on the Youtube platform.

The debates counted on lectures by the journalists Juliana Neiva - Social Communication Secretary of the National Council of Justice (CNJ); Bruno Rocha Lima, Communication Advisor of the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás; Tião Pinheiro, Communication Director of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; professor Dr. Marluce Zacariotti; and professor Dr. Valdirene Cássia da Silva, coordinator of the Graduate course.

At the opening, the journalist Tião Pinheiro emphasized the incentive of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through Esmat, in promoting a Lato Sensu post-graduation course to communication professionals of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins bodies, as well as reporters and editors of the communication vehicles operating in the State of Tocantins. "This is a very important moment of recognition from Justice João Guimarães Rigo, president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, and from Justice Marco Villas Boas, Esmat's General Director, in promoting the qualification of the local press and the employees of the communication departments. The Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through Esmat, is making an immeasurable contribution to this", he said.

In her speech, the journalist Juliana Neiva, Communication Secretary of the National Council of Justice, reinforced the importance of the communication team in the legal environment, but reminded the need to implement the communication policy in the organs. "The establishment of the organ's communication policy is a great strategy for the judiciary. It is very important. It gives more security and marks the new administrations", she affirmed. The journalist Bruno Rocha Lima reinforced the need for interaction between the Judiciary's communication departments and local press professionals. "The partnership with the press and the proximity with the vehicles that cover the Judiciary is fundamental. One idea to bring the professionals closer would be to hold mini-courses to translate the terms of justice so that there are not so many doubts about processes, in the judicial proceedings. I think this is fundamental", she stated.

The round table is part of the academic activities of the Lato Sensu post-graduation course in Strategic Legal Communication in the Digital Era, promoted by the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT).


About the lecturers:

Juliana Neiva - Journalist, with more than 23 years of career, she is graduated by Uniceub in Brasília. For several times during her professional career, she conciliated the journalistic coverage of the public power as a reporter in commercial vehicles, with the performance in the institutional communication. Since 2013 she has focused on the management of public communication, especially in agencies of the Judiciary. She is currently the Secretary of Social Communication of the National Council of Justice. In the last 9 years she has led the teams of the social communication advisors at the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), the Council of Federal Justice (CJF), coordinated the Radio and TV center at the Superior Labor Court (TST) and she was the coordinator of TV and Radio Justice at the Supreme Court (STF). She has also accumulated some experience in the Executive Branch where she was a special advisor for social communication at the former Ministry of Cities.

Bruno Rocha - Journalist, graduated from the Federal University of the State of Goiás. He is a post-graduate in Political Marketing (UFG). He was a press officer for the Presidency of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Goiás and for the Regional Electoral Court (Go). He served as the Director of Communication for the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás and since 2019 he is a communication advisor in this same body.


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