VII Health Week of the Pudiciary Begins with some tips to manage stress

“Breathing is the thermometer of our emotions", emphasized the doctor in Clinical Psychology and Verbal Communication, Ana Maria Rossi, during the lecture given on the afternoon of Wednesday (November 9th), at the opening of the VII Health Week of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, which continues on Thursday, at the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), with the theme: "Quality of Life in Focus”.

According to the lecturer, who spoke about "Stress Prevention and Improvement of Human Relations at Work", breathing is one of the ways to prevent stress, and it is one of the most positive ways to deal with emotions.

For the lecturer, stress is part of everyone's life, what needs to be done is to manage it. "We don't want to live without stress, this is a utopia. We want to live in harmony with stress, knowing how to manage it", she said, highlighting that, in order to live well, it is necessary to recognize that stress is inevitable and essential, believing in one's own competence, having the capacity to overcome and betting on the realization of dreams.


Concept, origin and symptoms

During the lecture, Ana Maria Rossi talked about the concept, origin, and consequences of stress, which can cause heart diseases (45%), cancer (35%), professional exhaustion (32%), and strokes (24%). She also addressed the benefits and costs of healthy stress and symptoms, which can be physical, emotional, and behavioral.

The lecturer, in the opportunity, called the attention of the participants, emphasizing that quality of life is a personal and non-transferable mission, and living well depends only on each one.

Marinalva da Silva Barbosa, who works in the protocol of the General Internal Affairs of Justice, thought the lecture was very good and said she found the breathing issue interesting when it comes to the control of emotions, a lesson she will take with her for life. 


At the opening of the event, the General Director of TJTO, Jonas Demóstene Ramos, welcomed the participants and highlighted the satisfaction in being able to participate in the event, justifying, on the occasion, the absence of the president of TJTO, Justice João Rigo Guimarães, of Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, General Chief, who are in external commitments, as well as the other justices, who were in session, at the time of the lecture.  

According to the General Director, it is necessary to work with prevention and health promotion, and Justice João Rigo has a very special care for the greatest asset of the Judiciary in the State of Tocantins, which are the servers. 

Also present at the event were the Directors Ronilson Pereira (Administration), Tião Pinheiro (Communication) and Antônio Rezende (People Management), the head of the Health Center (Cesau/TJTO), Elaine Ferreira; the advisor to the Board of Directors, José Atílio Beber; the president of the Association of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Odete Almeida; and the president of the Association of the TJTO Servers (ASTJ), Maria Vera de Lima Nogueira.

At the end of the event there was also a raffle with gifts.



On Thursday (November 10th), a lecture will be given on the theme: "Sleep Well to Live Better", at 2:20 pm, by doctor Geraldo Rizo, a specialist in Neurology, Neurophysiology and Sleep Medicine, from the Brazilian Association of Medicine.

All the lectures are being transmitted virtually to the other districts in the state by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat).

In addition to the lectures, during the week, Reiki, ACCESS Bar, Mindfulness, Massotherapy, Craniopuncture and Auriculotherapy therapies are being offered. There is also an exhibition of supplementation and wellness actives (Artesanal Pharmacy), healthy foods, gluten-free products (Mibilisq), natural products (Emporium), IEPIN/Botanic natural products, as well as eye pressure evaluation, skin analysis, face mask, and dermatological products.



The VII Health Week is an initiative of the Health Center of the Court of Justice, through the Directorate of People Management, in partnership with Esmat. The event addresses the discussion about the conditions of physical and mental health and quality of life at work, bringing to magistrates and servers reflections on individual and collective responsibility for health.


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