“It is not enough to develop economically, the greatest patrimony of a Nation is its people", points out justice Marco Villas boas in Seminar held by Esmat and Copedem

Aiming to discuss the reality of the agencies and courts about unfair competition, ethics and legality in the economic environment, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM), in partnership with the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and support from the National School for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (ENFAM), held on the morning of Friday (11th), the Seminar on "Competition and Unlawful Practices".

During the opening, Justice Marco Villas Boas highlighted the importance of holding events that address the theme in an ethical and legal manner.

"Copedem has been playing an important role, bringing together in these events various sectors of the economy, judges and members of other institutions, to discuss the great national and even international problems. It is known that it is not enough to develop the problems economically, those that stop national development and development in all its dimensions, because the greatest patrimony of a nation is its people. They are the recipients of all the service of the State; they deserve quality of life in consideration and dignity, and a legal stability for this to happen must be discussed, thought out, and dialogically built to remove harmful practices that cause tribulations in the market and remove our credit from the international plan”, he said.

In his speech, the General Director of the School also emphasized the need to debate about the economic problems related to market instability, which affect society. "This Seminar was thought to discuss precisely from the ethical and legal point of view, market instability in relation to equal chances and respect for intellectual property, industrial property and our traditional brands, and the development of our economic activities, as well as to think about protection systems against all kinds of delinquency that endanger our society and our economic and financial stability, and even the sovereignty of the State," he explained.

With three thematic axis of discussion, the first panel was reserved for debates related to the role of the Judiciary in the promotion of legal security in the economic environment, being honored by the Minister João Otávio de Noronha, from the Superior Court of Justice; Juliano Rebelo Marques, President of the Special Commission to Combat the Illegal Market (CFOAB); and by Fernando Queiroz Neves, Doctor and Master from the Law School of PUC in São Paulo.

The second panel, destined to discussions about predatory litigation and the correctional impacts, was presented by the speakers, Minister Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva, from the Superior Court of Justice; and Counselor Lenisa Rodrigues Prado, from the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE), having as moderator, the partner from Barral, Parente, Pinheiro Lawyers, Welber Barral.

Finally, the last block of the Seminar, with the theme on "Improper tax classification and anti-competitive practices", had the moderation of the titular legal Director Helcio Honda, from FIESP-CIESP; with the participation of Minister Regina Helena Costa, from the Superior Court of Justice; and Counselor and President Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo, from the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (CADE).

During his speech, Justice Marco ended the event by thanking the speakers for their efficiency and content enrichment. "Our intention is to take the Seminar through social platforms, through Youtube, to widely broadcast these debates like the one we had, with so dear and important subjects, not only for the companies, but also for our consumers, for the market and for the Brazilian legal system, in search of stability and possibility to grow and develop. And development in all its dimensions, with all its social and environmental responsibilities, that will take us to ever better levels of excellence," he concluded.

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