"If you want to sleep well, you must have a routine", recommends Rizo at the closing of the VII Health Week

"Sleep is rhythm. If you want to sleep well, you must have a routine". The recommendation is from doctor Geraldo Rizo, specialist in Neurology, Neurophysiology and Sleep Medicine, who spoke about the importance of sleep for quality of life during the lecture "Sleep well to live better", at the closing of the VII Health Week of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, this Thursday (November 10th).

According to the speaker, the insomnia problems today represent an epidemic. Data from Episono (Sleep Study) show that 33% of people suffer from sleep apnea, 45% complain of insomnia or difficulty sleeping, 15% have chronic insomnia, 24% have constant nightmares, 5% take sleeping pills (three or more nights/week), and 10% grind their teeth (three or more nights/week).

These data translate a reality. "We are deprived of sleep," highlighted the doctor, saying that there needs to be a change in mentality. "Sleep has to be a priority," he stressed, pointing out that the ideal is to have a slow-down routine, because sleep is one of the pillars of quality of life, along with good nutrition and physical activity.


Quality Sleep

To have a quality sleep, Rizo cites three elements: duration, continuity, and depth. "Sleeping well is not only quantity, but quality", said the lecturer, pointing out that, to sleep well, some factors are important, such as low temperature, quality of the mattress, reduced light and meditation, which, according to the doctor, is the best technique.

The lecturer pointed out that sleep is important to control obesity and diseases, like diabetes, for example. And he completed by saying that the lack of sleep "makes you sick, makes you old, makes you dumb, and doesn't make you slimmer".


Health Week

During two days of the VII Health Week program, magistrates, servers and employees of the Judiciary of Tocantins had the opportunity to participate in lectures, therapies and monitor exhibitions of supplementation and wellness assets (Artesanal pharmacy) and healthy foods, among other activities.

The lectures were broadcast live to the districts of the State through the channel of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), on You Tube.



The week is an initiative of the Health Center of the Court of Justice (Cesau/TJTO), through the Directorate of People Management, in partnership with Esmat. At the  closing of the event, the head of Cesau, Elaine Ferreira, reminded that with the increase of life expectancy and the accelerated rhythm of life, if people don't think about searching for quality of life, we will have an increase of sick people. Therefore, she highlighted the importance of seeking the pillars of quality of life, such as nutrition, physical activity, and sleep.

In the opportunity, the head of the Health Space justified the theme of this edition of the Health Week: "Quality of life in focus" to give tools to all magistrates and servers focused on quality of life.

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