Justice 4.0 is debated on the second day of COPEDEM

Delivering results of value to society. This was the message of Doctor Ivan Lindenberg Junior, Chief of Staff of the General Advisory of ICT Governance Innovations of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro, during the second day of the LIV Meeting of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM). The theme of the lecture was Judiciary 4.0 - Judicial Administration 4.0.

For the speaker, the digital transformation aims to build a better Judiciary, one that delivers effective results for society as a whole. "And for this, people need to be transformed and trained; procedures need to be optimized and an entire context needs to be understood and studied," he stressed.

Concepts such as governance, strategy, and commitment were also mentioned during his presentation: "It is important to talk about digital transformation in the Judiciary, because people have a vision of digital transformation focused on technology. And, in fact, this involves something much bigger, a change of culture, a new understanding of what the purpose of this digital transformation is. So, strategic ways of governing and exercising a good judicial provision must be adopted," said Ivan Lindenberg Junior.

The LIV Meeting of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM) has a partnership with the School of the Judges of the State of Piauí-Esmepi and the Judiciary School of the State of Piauí-Ejud. The event continues throughout Tuesday (15th) with panels and discussions about the impact of the new technologies on the Judiciary.

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