Military Police seminar discusses human rights from different perspectives and approaches

The 1st Military Police Human Rights Seminar: "Police activity and integrated and integrative public security policies" began this Thursday morning (17th), in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, with live broadcast on the Youtube channel of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The event will continue throughout the day, deepening the debate on best practices for the application of the state public security management and guaranteeing human rights.

The seminar is an initiative of the Military Police of the State of Tocantins (PM/TO), with the support of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights. The action aims to approach the human rights theme from an academic, reflexive and pragmatic perspective.

Until tomorrow, Friday (18th), the debaters will take turns in presenting lectures that address the need to seek the effective application of the principles set forth therein in the day-to-day life of the institutions and society at all levels.

Present at the opening of the Seminar were the Lieutenant Colonel QOPM, Rodrigo Nascimento Lacerda Guimarães, coordinator of the Community Police and Human Rights, who thanked for the event; Professor Gustavo Paschoal, coordinator of the Stricto Sensu post-graduation program of the Professional Master's Degree in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, who highlighted the importance of debating the theme. 

"I hope that in this event, we can seek to understand, in a moment of academic reflections, the issues related to human rights, regarding the professional issue of each one of us and also the human rights of the collectivity in general. I believe that these are the guidelines that are linked to the essence, to the dignity of each one of us, and this is really something very important to talk about", he said.

The prosecutor, Renata Castro Rampanelli, representing the General Attorney of justice, doctor Luciano Casarotti, highlighted the Brazilian political polarization and stressed the need for the public security institutions to work together, "the prosecutor is very happy and honored with the invitation to address such a controversial issue today, because of the political polarization. Human rights within public security are very important, and I hope that today we can enrich the subject more, each one bringing, from their point of view, their daily work, the practice, so that we can discuss solutions so that human rights and public security can coexist and not conflict, so that we can improve this vision that we have and really put it into practice", he concluded.

Also during the opening ceremony, Colonel QOPM, Cláudio Thomaz Coelho de Souza, Chief of Staff of the Military Police of the State of Tocantins, took the opportunity to highlight the work of the Military Police as the main agent in the promotion of human rights in society. 

"This is a very important theme for our institution, the military police. I believe that human rights begin inside our homes, in the relationships between father and son, in family relationships, and then it extends to the present society. The military police is the first promoter of human rights, we are the ones who deal with the day to day difficulties on the streets, in dealing with society, in the daily handling of conflicts. "I see this event as an opportune moment for us to have the wisdom to seek this knowledge and improve ourselves more", he commented.

In his speech, Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, representing Justice João Rigo Guimarães, president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, recalled situations in which human rights are necessary and emphasized the importance of the work done by public security professionals.

Opening the discussion panels of the Seminar, the first roundtable had the theme on "Public security policies and human rights".  Taught by Doctor Ricardo Brisolla Balestreri, the panel had the presence of Colonel Dosautomista Honorato de Melo and Doctor Renata Castro Rampanelli.

The second discussion topic, during the morning, was held by Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Carlos de Moraes Folha Leite, Doctor Silvio Marinho Jaca, and Prosecutor Vera Nilva Álvares Rocha Lira, who approached "the action of MPF in the guardianship of human rights and the important role played by the military police". The panel was led by Doctor Fernando Antônio de Alencar Alves de Oliveira Junior.

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