Employees Of Esmat And The Annex Of The City Of Palmas Take Part In Fire Brigade Training

The training of two classes of the Fire Brigade ends this Friday (December 13th), with the aim of training civil servers from the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins who work in the annex and at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) to act in emergency situations. The course, held between December 11th and 13th, covered topics such as fire prevention and fighting, first aid and evacuation of risk areas. 

With a workload of 16 hours, the training was given by Neivaldo Honorato de Melo, 1st Lieutenant QOBM/A of the Military Fire Brigade of the state of Tocantins, and it was attended by 24 civil servers. During the course, participants learned about fire theory, propagation, fire classes and extinguishing methods, as well as receiving practical training on the use of firefighting equipment and first aid techniques.

The training included theoretical and practical lessons, with simulations of real situations so that the participants could apply the knowledge they had acquired. The course was held in the Esmat building and in the Annex II of the TJTO, giving the civil servers the opportunity to learn and train in their own working environments.

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