On December 12th and 13th, Esmat held the course on Offices Management, with the participation of civil servers from the Judiciary of the state of Tocantins. The aim of the training was to deepen knowledge about the standardization, organization and management of offices, with an emphasis on the use of statistical reports and the tools of the Eproc system.
With the implementation of the Centers of Regional Electronic Processing, the Court experienced a transition phase, directly impacting the management of work in both the registries and the offices. In this scenario, the course had the contribution of speakers who are magistrates and civil servers of the TJTO, allowing for the exchange of experiences and the practical application of content directly related to their areas of activity.
The programming began with the master class on “Effective Judicial Provision and the Challenges of Judicial Management”, given by Dr. Herisberto e Silva Furtado Caldas. The course was coordinated by Judge Rosa Maria Rodrigues Gazire Rossi and it had the collaboration of the facilitators: Valéria Fortes Bodas, Cristiane Cirqueira Castro, Lilian Carvalho Lopes, Tássio Gonçalves Baliza, Luciane Rodrigues do Prado Faria, André Vinicius D'i Oliveira Gomes, Lucas Ferreira Gomes and Ana Berenice de Aguiar Santana e Silva.