Registrations Are Open For Course On “Theory And Practice In Criminal Law And Procedure”

On September 26th and 27th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will hold a face-to-face course on “Theory and Practice in Criminal Law and Procedure”. Offering fifty vacancies for magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who work preferably in the Criminal Courts, the training will be given by Maurício Stegemann Dieter, PhD, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Law at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate College of Law of the University of the State of São Paulo (USP).

The interested parties can sign in clicking here.

The course aims to enable participants to understand and apply, in a critical and effective manner, the principles and rules that govern the role of the criminal magistrate in the context of the Brazilian accusatory legal system, with an emphasis on the new interpretations and limitations of the powers of instruction of the Judge, with a view to a more balanced and fair judicial performance, in line with the guidelines of modern criminal procedure.

For more information on the class schedule and content, check out the Notice.

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