Esmat Starts Course On Prompt Engineering And Practical Applications Of Generative Ai In Justice: Classes I And Ii

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins started this Thursday (September 12th) the course aimed at the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Judiciary: Prompt Engineering and Practical Applications of Generative AI (IAGEN) in Justice: From Theory to Decision, with Classes I and II. The course is taught by Professors Alexandre Freire Pimentel, Haroldo Carneiro Leão Sobrinho and Irving William Chaves Holanda.

The course is part of the training cycle of the Hórus Project, which aims to train magistrates and servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins for the understanding, application and development of tools of Generative Artificial Intelligence (IAG) to support the jurisdictional activities of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, optimizing work processes.  

With a programming focused on fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the course explores the different types of artificial intelligence and its development throughout history. The practical application of this technology in the legal context is one of the central points, addressing both the benefits and challenges. Among the prominent topics are the security challenges in the use of AI in the judicial system, which include everything from data protection to the reliability of decisions generated by AI systems.

During the opening ceremony, the Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, highlighted the importance of a fast and assertive evolution in the adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence in the judiciary. In his speech, he emphasized the urgency of adapting to the fast pace of technological transformations.

"This is a moment that the judiciary needs. We have excellent systems, very well produced, which give us adequate answers, already with some tools of Pregenerative AIs, but that do not meet our needs or the pace of global transformation.

The Justice even made an analogy with the myth of the cave, Plato, to illustrate the scenario of technological innovation. "So I have said the following: We cannot be trapped in the cave nor we can kill those who came out of the cave, saw the light and brought us information about the true world; we can no longer live realities only in shadows. We need to get out of the cave and make the world outside dialogue with the cave. Today, internally, our systems are the cave, but we can no longer be stuck in it. We must establish ways and create tools for dialogue among the various systems, which are many in Brazil", he said. 

Medal of Academic Merit

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

On the occasion, the Academic Merit Medal "Dr. Feliciano Machado Braga" was awarded to the Journalist and Administrator, the public server of the Federal Justice Antonio Costa Aires. Esmat awarded the honor as recognition for commitment and contribution to the justice of the State of Tocantins. The medal highlights personalities, whose careers and efforts contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and innovation in the judiciary, reaffirming their commitment to the continuous improvement of legal practice and the promotion of justice.

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