Esmat Opens Registrations For Course On Training Of Tutors

Objetivando capacitar magistrados(as) e servidores(as) do Poder Judiciário para atuarem como tutores(as) na Educação Corporativa Online, em cursos realizados na modalidade ensino à distância, pela Plataforma Moodle, a Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense (Esmat) abre as inscrições para o curso “EaD Pró: Formação para Tutores(as)”.

Aiming to train magistrates and servants of the Judiciary to act as tutors in ONLINE Corporate Education, courses held in distance learning mode, by the MOODLE Platform, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) opens registrations for the course on "EaD Pro: Training for Tutors".

Eighty vacancies are being offered to servers and magistratesof the Judiciary Branch of the State of Tocantins and/or servers of the partner institutions of Esmat.

The interested parties can apply clicking here.

About the course

Com carga horária de 90 horas, as atividades serão desenvolvidas à distância no período de 24 de setembro a 20 de novembro por meio do Ambiente Virtual da Esmat (Moodle) e Plataforma Google Meet.

With a 90-hour workload, the activities will be developed remotely in the period from September 24th to November 20th through the Virtual Environment of Esmat (MOODLE) and GOOGLE MEET Platform.

The training, which will be taught by the Master in Computational Modeling of Systems, Lily Sany Silva Leite, and the Master and graduate in Innovative Educational Processes, Jadir Alves de Oliveira, will have six mandatory WEBCLASSES on days 1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th of October and November 5th and 12th from 9 am to 11.30 am, in addition to the Interaction and Learning Evaluation activities in the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) of the School.

For more information, please read the notice.

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