Course On Social Studies, Reports And Technical Opinions In Social Work Begins

The course on Social Studies, Reports and Technical Opinions in Social Work - 2024, aimed at civil servers linked to the Multidisciplinary Teams Management Group of the TJTO (GGEM) and accredited social workers who advise the courts in judicial or administrative proceedings, had its first meeting on Wednesday (August 21st). With a 45-hour workload, the training is divided into six modules and it continues until October 11th, in distance learning mode.

This introductory module covered the role of the GGEM in guaranteeing social rights, providing information on the strategic map, guidelines, programs and services to society, among others. The training is given by facilitators Josiane Aparecida Ferreira, Kátia da Silva Faria, Ewandelina de Moraes Folha Leite and it aims to guide participants by providing a theoretical and practical foundation, enabling them to produce high quality technical products, as well as developing skills for interdisciplinary care of classes of action in judicial and administrative demands within the scope of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

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