Registrations Are Open For The Course On “Generative Ai And Its Application In The Drafting Of Judicial Decisions”

With the aim of training magistrates and their legal advisors to understand and apply Generative Artificial Intelligence systems in the judicial process, promoting the ethical, critical and effective use of this technology in the drafting of judicial decisions, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will hold the course on “Generative AI and its Application in the Drafting of Judicial Decisions” on September 12th.

Fifty places are being offered to magistrates and advisors from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Those interested can register for the course by clicking here.

The training will be given by Alexandre Freire Pimentel (TJPE), who will cover AI concepts, types of AI, the history of AI, AI in the legal context, safety challenges in the application of AI in the Judiciary, ethics and responsibility in the application of Generative AI.

For more information, click here.

Rectified notice.

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