Enm Launches Fofo Brazil, A Training Course For Trainers That Will Tour The Country

"We are a national school and we will go wherever there are magistrates", said de coordinator, Judge Ana Barbura. First edition will be held in the city of Salvador.

Magistrates who wish to work as teachers can now register for the Training of Trainers of 2024 (FoFo N1M1) of the National School of the Judiciary (ENM). In this face-to-face edition in the city of Salvador, ENM is complying its role as one of the pillars of the national legal education.

According to the coordinator, Judge Ana Barbuda, the Training of Trainers of the ENM will cover all five regions of the country. “This Fofo has a difference: the idea is to tour Brazil by region, providing training for trainers. We're a national school and we're going to go wherever there are magistrates,” she said.

There will be 30 vacancies on the course, which will have 24 hours of classes with teachers specialized in legal education, such as Judge Vladimir Vitovsky and Professor Fernando Alves. The course will be coordinated by Judge Ana Barbuda and Justice Caetano Levi Lopes, Deputy President of ENM.

The course will be held in the city of Salvador (BA) from October 21st to 23rd, 2024. This edition is the result of a technical cooperation agreement between ENM and the Corporate University Minister Hermes Lima (Unicorp / TJBA).

The training of trainers is one of the most popular courses at the National School of the Judiciary and it offers a unique and in-depth approach to legal teaching. Focusing on the preparation, integration, technical-scientific, cultural and humanistic improvement of their pairs in the context of the judiciary, FoFo uses an active and humanized methodology to make learning more effective.

The course coordinator said that this new edition will crown the integration of the country. “We are going to take the message of strengthening the national judiciary and judicial education is the first mark in this mission. We need to bring this place of excellence to education. The aim is to equip Judges with the best pedagogical techniques so that they can exercise this role of training other Judges,” she said.

According to coordinator Ana Barbuda, this version of the Fofo was conceived by Deputy Director President of the ENM, Justice Caetano Levi Lopes, and approved by Director President of the ENM, Justice Nelson Missias de Morais. The magistrate emphasized the partnership with the University of the State of Bahia. “Justice Edmilson Jatahy Fonseca Júnior, Director General of Unicorp, welcomed and accepted the project immediately,” she said.

Registrations are open until October 1st or until the vacancies are filled..


IMPORTANT: all transportation, accommodation and food costs are borne by the student.

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