On Tuesday (April 25th), the Training for Acting in the To Wake Up Time Program - 2023 began. Promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the course, which runs until August 31st, aims to train the professionals of the technical teams of the Multidisciplinary Teams Management Group on the understanding, management and practice of Reflective Groups for Men Authors of Domestic and Family Violence Against Women.
Aimed at public servers and professionals with degrees in Psychology, Social Work and/or Pedagogy, accredited and/or working in the Manager Group of the Multidisciplinary Teams of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, State Prosecution of the State of Tocantins and Public Defender’s Office of the State of Tocantins, the training will have a class load of 80 hours and it will be held in the EaD modality, through the Google Meet Platform and the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat (AVA). In all, 60 vacancies were made available for the course.
About the Program
The To Wake Up Time Program is a strategy of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins that aims to confront violence against women, in accordance with the National Policy, for the confrontation of this serious problem, established by the National Council of Justice. The proposal is to reduce the recurrence of the act committed among those who have already reached the judicial system, building a culture of peace and transforming the social and cultural aspects that sustain violent behavior in interpersonal relationships, especially in domestic spaces.
The Training for Acting in the To Wake Up Time Program - 2023 is an important initiative that aims to provide professionals with the necessary tools to deal with domestic violence effectively, seeking not only accountability, but also the re-education of the perpetrators of this type of violence. With the realization of the web classes, it is expected to contribute to the formation of trained and committed teams to prevent and combat violence against women, promoting a fairer and equal society.