The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will offer a course to act in the Time to Wake Up Program - 2023 -, which aims to train professionals from the technical teams of the Multidisciplinary Team Management Group on the understanding, handling, and practicing of Reflective Groups for Men Who are Authors of Domestic and Family Violence Against Women.
Registrations will occur by indication in the specific SEI Process and they will be validated by the Academic Secretary of Esmat. The course load is 80 class hours, in EaD modality. The course will be held in the GOOGLE MEET Platform and in the Virtual Learning Environment of Esmat. The training will offer 60 vacancies for civil servers and professionals with degrees in Psychology, Social Work and/or Pedagogy, accredited and/or working in the Manager Grup of the Multidisciplinary Teams of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, as well as civil servers from the State Prosecution of the State of Tocantins and civil servers from the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins. For more information, read the Notice clicking here.