The training activities of the course on Implementation and Practical Application of Law number 14.133 of 2021 in the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) began on Monday morning (27th): analysis of internal regulations and main public contracting institutes according to the NLLCA.
On this first day, given by the facilitator Victor Aguiar Jardim de Amorim, the themes related to the transitory regime of the Law, the regulation and application of the NLL by TJTO, for the planning of hiring, among other subjects, were addressed.
Held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the course continues until tomorrow (28th), with the aim of promoting knowledge to the employees of the Judiciary for more efficiency and safety in the implementation of Law number 14.133, of 2021, in public procurement.
About the facilitator: Victor Aguiar Jardim de Amorim
PhD candidate in Constitution, Law and State at the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in Constitutional Law from the Institute of Public Law of Brasília (IDP). Professor of post-graduate courses at ILB, IDP and IGD. Member of the Managing Committee of the National Network for Public Contracting, responsible for managing the National Portal for Public Contracting.