Started on Monday (27th), the program on Innovation and Design Thinking, promoted by the Innovation Management Committee and the Innovation Laboratory and the Sustainable Development Goals of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (CGI/INTELECTUS-TO) in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The training aims to train Judges and public servers of TJTO about the mindset that affects innovation, so that they are encouraged to think about how transformational innovation can increase results and break the challenges brought by new technologies.
Carried out in a hybrid manner with face-to-face and virtual meetings between the months of February and June, in individual and group activities, the participants will be able to understand the concepts of Innovation and Design Thinking; understand why to innovate, the types of innovation and what the innovation processes are from the culture of design thinking; learn about how Design Thinking is used in the development of solutions; identify, map internal mentors from distance mentoring so that they can guide new groups in the development of projects, among other issues.
For Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho, president of the Innovation Management Committee and of the Innovation and Sustainable Development Goals Laboratory of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins (CGI/INTELECTUS-TO), the course aims to meet the guidelines of the Innovation Management Committee (CGI) and proposes to renew the organizational culture, aiming to generate solutions and results of favorable impact to solve complex problems with a focus on the user and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030,” he said.
According to Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, the training aims to expand the knowledge about the technological advances of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins with a view to a better judicial provision. “Focusing on the training of our magistrates and servers, we seek conflict resolution mechanisms and innovations that seek to improve the legal services offered to the community,” he said.
The training is given by professor Solange Mata Machado, post-doctorate in Neuroscience Applied to Innovation Processes; doctorate and master in Innovation and Competitiveness, from FGC/SP. For the doctoral professor, the training aims to teach people to think differently. “Innovation is the capacity that each individual has to solve problems. And to solve problems one needs to think differently. And technology, as it advances, makes problem solving easier,” she said.