National Justice Council performs a course about Legal Mark in Early Childhood in the Capital

With the proposal of understanding the importance and the challenges found in the rules application that ensure the integral development of 0 to 6 years old children, besides comprehending the operation of the protection services network to children and adolescents, the National Justice Council (CNJ) in partnership with the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) performs next Wednesday and Thursday (March 11th and 12nd), the Course Legal Mark in Early Childhood and its Judicial Implications.

Directed to magistrates, public prosecutors, public defenders, lawyers, precinct chiefs, police officers and psychosocial staff of the system of rights guarantee in Tocantins State, the course is a forming action of the National Pact for the Early Childhood, coordinated by CNJ, that has as a goal strengthen the public institutions directed to the collective and diffuse rights guarantee provided in Brazilian legislation and promote the improvement of the necessary infrastructure to the child interest protection, and to the administrative improbity of the public servers that have the duty of applying the Legal Mark in Early Childhood.

Developed in two steps being the first one live and the second in distance learning modality, the course has a total class load of 46 hours. Held in partnership with the National Training and Improvement of Magistrates School (Enfam) and the Training and Improvement Center of Judiciary Branch Servers (Ceajud), the course ended its registrations by web, however there are still remnant vacancies that will be destined according to the arrival order before the official opening scheduled to happen at 8 in the morning this Wednesday 11th, at Esmat in Palmas.

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