Rules For The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In The Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins Are Now In Force

The Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) has published a new policy to regulate the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in its activities. The measure was established through the Normative Instruction No. 20. The idea is to take advantage of the benefits of technology, such as increased productivity and reduced costs, but always guaranteeing safety, ethics and transparency.

With the regulation, all use of AI in the TJTO will need to be authorized by the Directorate of Information Technology (Dtinf) and supervised to avoid abuse or mistakes. It is mandatory to preserve sensitive information and avoid risks such as data leaks or results that could cause discrimination. AI tools should only be used to assist civil servers and judges, without replacing human judgment. Whenever content is generated or modified by AI, this should be clearly stated in the materials.

Dtinf will be responsible for assessing risks, approving AI tools and monitoring the use of these technologies. With this policy, the TJTO seeks to ensure that the use of AI is safe, efficient and respects the rights of the people. It also avoids problems such as biased decisions or misuse of the technologies.

The new rule is already in force and it applies to civil servers, trainees, judges, outsourced companies and anyone who uses or develops AI tools for the Court.

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