With the aim of recognizing those who have performed best in providing services to the citizens of the state of Tocantins over the last year, the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, will present the “Efficient Justice Award 2024” to civil servers and magistrates during a ceremony next Friday (January 31st), in the auditorium of the TJTO, at 9 a.m., when the initiatives of the “Green Seal Award” will also be awarded. The awards ceremony will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the TJTO.
The recognition of the Court of Justice takes place annually, through the Ordinance No. 22/2024, which replaced the Ordinance No. 84/2020. This initiative seeks to encourage and value the courts of the 1st degree in meeting the targets and indicators set out in the mentioned joint order. The aim is to recognize the work carried out and promote incentives to improve efficiency in judicial provision and judicial management.
For evaluation purposes, Efficient Justice takes into account various indicators, with scores ranging from 20 to 50 points, including: demand response index; average duration of pending cases; concluded cases; judging or dropping cases; net congestion rate; among other indices evaluated.
The Award is subdivided into the following categories:
- Outstanding Achievement of the Year: 304 points or more;
- Diamond: 272 to 303 points;
- Gold: 240 to 271 points;
- Silver: 208 to 239 points.