People Who Self-Declared Black In The Second Edition Of Enam Can Now Send Documentary Evidence

The deadline for sending the confirmation of approval of self-declaration issued by the heteroidentification committees of the courts of justice of the States and the Federal District began on this Monday (9th). The submission must be made by next Thursday (12th) on the follow-up page of the contest.

The registered person who declared himself black and does not send the document will compete in the general conditions of qualification.

For qualification in the ENAM, the result equal to or greater than 70% of correct results in the test is required; in the case of self-declared black people, indigenous people or disabled people, the minimum percentage of correct results must be 50%.

The exam is intended for the qualification of the degrees of bachelor in law with interest in participating in competitions aimed at entry into the judiciary promoted by the federal regional courts, labor courts, military courts and courts of the States and the Federal District. The objective of this test is to ensure that the selection processes for the judiciary take place in a way that enhances reasoning, problem solving and vocation for the judiciary.

Learn more on the page of ENAM.

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