Yellow September: The Role Of Napsi In The Psychological And Social Support For Judges And Civil Servers In The Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins

The month of September also brings with it awareness of mental health.  The Yellow September campaign aims to inform people about the importance of life and self-care.

Although attention to these issues is focused especially on the month of September, concern for mental health should be observed throughout the year and the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins is no different. With the NAPsi – Center for Psychosocial Reception and Accompaniment, magistrates and civil servers have this special service directly provided by the Judiciary. 

NAPsi: important support for those in need 

The Center for Psychological and Social Assistance (NAPsi) offers a space dedicated to psychological and social support for magistrates, civil servers, commissioned staff, temporary staff and trainees of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), both in the capital Palmas and in the interior of the State. 

Located in a separate physical environment from the rest of the activities of the TJTO, NAPsi seeks to guarantee greater privacy and confidentiality during its consultations.

Assistance and availability

NAPsi provides services every day of the week, from 12pm to 6pm, with variations in the schedule of the professionals. 

The services are offered both in person and remotely, via a link sent by the professional in charge. There is currently a small waiting list due to the high demand, but that doesn't mean you'll be waiting for months.

Purpose and scope

Aimed exclusively at magistrates and civil servers, NAPsi does not serve family members due to limited human resources. 

The center is made up of psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists with proven technical and clinical experience. Its aim is to offer psychological and social support in a specialized environment, guaranteeing welcome, individual expression and collective intervention, always with ethics and confidentiality.

Principles and approach

The services of the NAPsi follow the principles of spontaneous demand, absolute secrecy, privacy, universality and being located in an environment that is separate from work activities.

The intervention is aimed at preventing and promoting mental health, with brief and focused interventions in the areas of psychology, social work and psychiatry. The center does not provide outpatient care, nor does it prescribe medication or issue reports; these functions are carried out by the Health Center of the TJTO (CESAU), known as Health Space.


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