Master's And Doctorate In Governance And Digital Transformation Grand Class Will Be Held On Thursday, May 9th

On May 9th (Thursday), starting at 7 p.m., the auditorium of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) will host Professor Marcelo Moret Gonçalves for the master's and doctorate master's class of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Governance and Digital Transformation (PPGGTD).

The ceremony will also be attended by a round table made up of Professors Marcelo Moret, David Nadler and Waldecy Rodrigues, who will discuss the topic: "Postgraduate Courses and CAPES".

After the round table, there will be presentations on the applicability of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Marcelo Lisboa, Humberto Araújo and George França will present the following topics, respectively: AI in the judiciary; educational robotics; and technologies for special education.

About the Doctorate

The program is part of the Professional modality and belongs to the Interdisciplinary area committee of CAPES. In addition to Esmat, the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT) has a partnership with the Ministries of Education and Health and the State Department of Education of the State of Tocantins.

The doctorate aims to form a nucleus of high-level research leaders, able to work in Digital Governance and Computational Modeling in the Judiciary, capable of conceiving and modeling digital content of services in Judicial provision and technological models of interaction and communication, aiming to solve complex technological issues for a better and faster judicial provision.

About the Master’s

The aim is to implement educational technologies in schools and in the Department of Education for data-driven decision-making.

The unprecedented fact is that the Doctorate and Master's classes in governance and digital transformation will be held jointly at Esmat. Esmat, UFT and Seduc are educational institutions concerned with improving processes in the face of the technological revolution currently being experienced in all areas. Education needs to keep up with and implement new technologies in order to improve itself, just as has happened with the final activities of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, which is 100% digital.

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