Esmat And Ishalc Strengthen Ties And Discuss Actions To Promote Human Security

Last Thursday morning, May 2nd, 2024, the General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), Justice Marco Anthony Villas Boas, Deputy Director, Justice Angela Issa Haonat, the Executive Director of the institution, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, and the CEO of Memory, Maria de Lourdes Gonçalves made an institutional visit to the Human Security Institute for Latin America and the Caribbean (ISHALC), an organization linked to ILANUD - the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, based in the city of San José, Costa Rica.

They were received by the Director of ISHALC, Dr. Eduardo Cesar Leite, at a meeting aimed at strengthening cooperation between the institutions and discussing joint projects in the areas of human security, law and justice.

Joint actions to promote human security

During the meeting, the parties discussed several areas of common interest, such as promoting a culture of peace, preventing violence, guaranteeing human rights and access to justice. Possibilities for collaboration on research projects, training and events were also explored.

Invitation to teach classes

On that occasion, Justice Marco Villas Boas invited Dr. Eduardo Cesar to teach the Criminal Procedure Course that will be held at Esmat next semester. The invitation was enthusiastically accepted by Dr. Eduardo, who made himself available to contribute to the training of magistrates and legal professionals from the State of Tocantins.

Measuring the Human Security Index

Another important agenda of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of initiating actions to measure the Human Security Index (ISH) in the city of Palmas and, subsequently, in the entire State of Tocantins. The HSI is an indicator that measures the level of human security in a country or region, taking into account factors such as life expectancy, education and income.

The partnership between Esmat and ISHALC in the measurement of the ISH could provide valuable data for the formulation of more effective public policies in the area of human security, and make it possible for specific funds to be allocated at national and international level. 

Cooperation agreements

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their interest in signing a cooperation agreement that provides for joint actions in various areas, such as:

  • Research: Development of research on topics related to human security, law and justice;
  • Training: Courses and seminars for Judges, legal practitioners and other professionals working in the field of human security;
  • Events: Promotion of events to debate themes related to human security, law and justice;
  • Measurement of the ISH: Implementation of actions to measure the Human Security Index in the city of Palmas and the State of Tocantins.

About the ISHALC

The Human Security Institute for Latin America and the Caribbean (ISHALC), a body linked to ILANUD - the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, based in the city of San José, Costa Rica, is a non-governmental organization that works to promote human security in the region. ISHALC develops research, training and advocacy projects in areas such as culture of peace, violence prevention, human rights and access to justice.

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