Generative Artificial Intelligence Platform Presented To The Servers Of Admissibility Of The TJTO

As part of the digital upgrade process, the Admissibility team of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) was presented last Monday (April 15th) with the use of a platform that uses Generative Artificial Intelligence (IAG) to analyze the admissibility of constitutional, special and extraordinary appeals. This project, which also has the support of the Taqui startup, formed by researchers from the SmartCitiesBR research group of USP, stands out as a mark in the responsible and innovative use of Generative AI in the Brazilian Judicial System.

During the presentation, the newly incorporated features of the IAG SARA were exemplified, as well as the adjustments implemented to date. Methods for validation and processes for continuous improvement of the system were also discussed. The next steps are to improve the IAG, which is an ongoing process so that the support for carrying out tasks meets the dynamics and promotes the necessary adaptability in the face of the dynamics of the evaluation of documents and external scenarios of the Judiciary, in addition to the negotiations for validation, testing and system integrations so that the experience is effective, responsible and in accordance with the legality and standards of the Court.

About the platform

The platform presented is not only a technological tool, but also an initiative that reflects the academy and judiciary commitment to ethics, efficiency and transparency in the use of Generative AIs. Using advanced algorithms, the platform is capable of processing a wide range of court documents - from petitions and subpoenas to certificates and judgments. The technology has demonstrated a remarkable ability to generate, in a secure and accurate automatic manner, summaries, reports, orders and detailed drafts that include relevant facts, legal grounds, draft decisions, as well as reasons for appeals.

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