Judiciary holds public hearing to set up shelter home for the protection of women in situations of domestic and family violence in the city of Gurupi

Aiming to promote a dialogue between civil society and public agencies for the implementation of a structured network capable of providing specialized guidance and support for victims of domestic violence, the Judicial Power of the State of Tocantins, through the State Coordination of Women in Situations of Domestic and Family Violence (CEMSVID), held next Monday (29th), from 14 hours, at the Mario Cunha Cultural Center, a public hearing for the installation of the Shelter House for the protection of women in situations of domestic and family violence in the city of Gurupi. To register, click here

With the participation of Judge Cirlene Maria de Assis Santos Oliveira, State Coordinator for Women in Situations of Domestic and Family Violence; Judge Jossanner Nery Nogueira Luna, holder of the Specialized Court to Combat Violence Against Women and Crimes Against Life in the County of Gurupi and Judge and Director of the Forum of the county of Gurupi, Judge Edilene Pereira de Amorim Alfaix Natário, the hearing will also include representatives of government agencies, civil organizations and community leaders. The hearing aims to establish partnerships with governmental and non-governmental agencies to enable the installation of the Shelter House and create a protection network for women in the city of Gurupi, as well as identify the needs of women victims of domestic and family violence in the city of Gurupi and the region, and present solutions. To access the Notice, cique aqui.

With transmission in EaD modality by the Virtual Platform of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), it will have as target audience: magistrates who work in the Specialized Courts in Combating Domestic and Family Violence against Women and issues related to this theme; members of the Network for Confronting Domestic and Family Violence Against Women in the State of Tocantins; servers who work in the Specialized Courts to Combat Domestic and Family Violence against Women and issues related to this theme; members of the Management Group of Multidisciplinary Teams (GGEM); members or servers of the State Prosecution who work to combat domestic and family violence, students, and the community in general.

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